Saturday 12 January 2019

Health benefits of aloe vera tree

Increased skin brightness
Aloe withdraw the body from toxic substances cleaning the inside of the body. Which comes glowing skin and also remove the stains. Also eczema by applying aloe vera gels on the skin, the problem of Pimpalgaon and cirrhosis are also off.

benefits of aloe vera
Aloe Vera is also known by the name of aloe vera. It contains abundant amino acids and 12 vitamins. It does away with the lack of blood in the body and the body's immune capacity increases. It is as beneficial to your health as well as for your hair and skin. Here's how Aloe vera to have much impact on our health.

Avoiding wrinkles
Wrinkles form massage daily Aloe Jl to avoid This lets you make premature aging. It Moishcraij inside the skin. The juice makes the skin tight and it is due to the presence of Vitamin C and persist hydrate the skin.

Prevent Sunburn
Aloe does juice sunscreen work. Before leaving in the sun aloe vera juice thoroughly and apply on your skin harmful rays of the sun can not damage your skin.

Burning or beneficial in injury
Aloe fills up the wound due to its anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties. Injuries or relief to find out that gel burns. Were not bruised by taking out its prison immediately after the burning and the irritation ends.


Stretch mark removal
Because of obesity and pregnancy in stretch mark is also useful aloe vera. To lighten stretch mark massage every morning Vera gels. It largely will reduce your stretch marks.

Hair useful in problems
Aloe Vera for hair shows miraculous effect. Hair functions are as far as possible from the effects of problems such as aloe vera loss of hair, dry hair, etc. Dendrf hair. Twice a week before shampooing jasmine, Jojova or coconut oil Find your hair thoroughly mix the juice of aloe vera.

Heart beneficial in disease
The aloe vera increases blood volume in the body as well as blood flow also helps to smoothly made. Aloe High blood pressure makes the normal, which reduces the risk of heart attack.

Healthy and clean teeth
Aloe Vera is very beneficial for the mouth and gums. Shortness of gums from its use and come close blood. As well as ulcer disease in the mouth is also OK. It can also do as your tooth doctor.

Make digestion repair
Aloe many diseases of stomach juice drink away. It strengthens the digestive nerve. Problems such as indigestion and constipation and its daily use is still far. Ulcers originating in the stomach it takes to recover.

Monday 16 October 2017

Top 5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Very early pregnancy symptoms, then no doubt there are signs that very early on that you are pregnant. The fertilized egg is implanted in about seven days after his arrest. Implantation of the first symptoms of pregnancy, begin to appear. Changes in hormone levels and the body begins to react to the new hormone levels.

The initial concerns about the pregnancy is completely overshadowed by the most unpleasant symptom known as morning sickness.

"This morning," This term may be misleading, because the symptoms often continue throughout the day. Nausea during pregnancy can begin before you know you are pregnant almost immediately after conception has occurred. Maybe the reports to you.

These are early signs of pregnancy can be very painful, especially if you are still reeling from the discovery that you are pregnant. If there are mixed feelings about the pregnancy and the possible end point, it is very painful as the disease carries a constant reminder of the reality of the pregnancy.

In the early morning sickness can be very violent. It happens to go to bed wondering why I do not know anyone to wake up, that he was hit by a bus. All sorts of symptoms, physical and spiritual, can happen early in pregnancy, and explains, "morning sickness", a generic name. The following list describes the experiences of women in the report:


Fatigue Fatigue / tiredness in pregnancy may be worse than the night after the birth. The women want to sleep more often than usual, and even sleep with only a slight effect on fatigue and sleepiness. Not often the whole day in bed and you feel tired! This may be completed in the first week of the pregnancy, it does not seem infinite. Start to worry about how to deal with the child, if you can not cope with fatigue, fortunately, this objection is raised, the development of the pregnancy.


Nausea and vomiting, fatigue, systemic diseases, some women may experience the most debilitating pregnancy. This can affect every aspect of their lives that this is not the practice of everyday life almost impossible. Despite the fact that the debilitating effects only in extreme cases can lead to vomiting, surgery or treatment. Indeed can be done to stop vomiting during pregnancy, and most women just try to survive and adapt their lives as possible, hoping the symptoms go away quickly.

Strange taste will be "a" or hunger. Many women have reported a metallic taste in the mouth. Women's Classic refuse certain foods or develop problems with certain foods. This can be a good adaptive reasons for women's "Crave" certain foods, perhaps, their bodies, to determine nutritional needs. In practice, however, often point to, that seems unlikely. In extreme cases, non-food, coal is the object of desire, which would be difficult to explain, under physiological conditions.


Headache, aches and pains.

Tears, anger bursts, anxiety. But when these feelings can be confusing for parents-to-be, especially for pregnant and wanted to plan.

Do not forget to take care of themselves, even before pregnancy. Do not drink, and stop smoking. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Five of these early signs of pregnancy are trying to figure out how to make, because only the proper knowledge can ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

Monday 20 February 2017

The ten best foods for pregnancy

Eating for two can be a nerve-wracking responsibility, especially with so much conflicting information.
Is it important to eat enough fish, or does it contain too much mercury? Do you need meat for protein, or is it too fatty? Are eggs okay, or do they have too much cholesterol?

Here's some advice from nutrition experts on their top pregnancy foods. You don't need to like or eat them all, but pick and choose your favorites to give your pregnancy a nutritional boost.
It's enough to make you want to throw your hands up and dive into the nearest bag of candy bars. There are lots of ways to ensure that you and your baby are getting the nutrients you both need.


"It's amazing what you get in one egg for only about 90 calories," says Elizabeth Ward, dietitian and author of Expect the Best, Your Guide to Healthy Eating Before, During, and After Pregnancy.
In addition to more than 12 vitamins and minerals, eggs contain lots of quality protein, which is essential for pregnancy.
"Your baby's cells are growing at an exponential rate, and every cell is made of protein," Ward explains. "Plus, as a pregnant woman, you have your own protein needs."
Eggs are also rich in choline, which promotes your baby's overall growth and brain health, while helping prevent neural tube defects. Some eggs even contain omega 3 fats, important for both brain and vision development. (Brands that have omega-3s will probably state it on the label. Look for DHA-enriched eggs because those contain the most beneficial form of omega-3s.)
As for the egg's bad rap about cholesterol? Not warranted, says Ward. It turns out that eating saturated fat does much more damage to your cholesterol level than eating the cholesterol naturally found in food.
And while eggs are high in cholesterol, they're also relatively low in saturated fat, with only about 1 1/2 grams per egg.
"Healthy women with normal blood cholesterol can consume one to two eggs a day as part of a balanced diet low in saturated fat," Ward says. But if cholesterol is a concern for you, substitute egg whites for whole eggs.
Need more convincing? Eggs are cheap, easy, quick, and versatile. When you're too exhausted to cook a full meal, a couple of hard-boiled or scrambled eggs are just the ticket.


Not only is salmon rich in high-quality protein, says Ward, but it's also an exceptionally good source of omega 3 fats, which are good for your baby's development – and may help boost your mood. And unlike swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish, and shark, salmon has low amounts of methylmercury, a compound that can be harmful to your baby's developing nervous system.
Just remember that even for salmon and other low-mercury fish, such as canned light tuna and pollock, the FDA recommends eating no more than 12 ounces per week to avoid ingesting too much mercury.


Navy beans, lentils, black beans, pinto beans, chickpeas … there are so many to choose from. "Beans contain the most fiber and protein of all the vegetables," says Ward.
You already know that it's important to get enough protein during pregnancy, but you may not yet realize that fiber could become your new best friend. When you're pregnant, your gastrointestinal tract slows down, putting you at risk for constipation and hemorrhoids. Fiber can help prevent and relieve these problems.
In addition, says Ward, food that contains fiber tends to be rich in nutrients. This is certainly true of beans, which are good sources of iron, folate, calcium, and zinc.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes get their orange color from carotenoids, plant pigments that are converted to vitamin A in our bodies, says Ward.
Although consuming too much "preformed" vitamin A (found in animal sources, such as liver, milk, and eggs) can be dangerous, carotenoids are a different type. They're converted to vitamin A only as needed, so there's no need to restrict your consumption of vitamin A-rich fruits and veggies.
Sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamin C, folate, and fiber. And like beans, they're inexpensive and versatile. "Cook extra and save them to slice up later as a snack," Ward suggests.

Popcorn and other whole grains

Yes, you read that right. Popcorn is a whole grain. "People love it when I tell them that!" says Ward.
Whole grains are important in pregnancy because they're high in fiber and nutrients, including vitamin E, selenium, and phytonutrients (plant compounds that protect cells).
But don't stop at popcorn: There are lots of other whole grains out there, from oatmeal to barley. Fluffy, nutty-tasting quinoa is one of Ward's favorites.
"Whole grain quinoa is easy to make and is very high in nutrients, particularly protein, making it a superfood in and of itself," she says.


"Walnuts are one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3s," says dietitian Kate Geagan, author of Go Green, Stay Lean. "A handful of walnuts is a great choice for an on-the-run snack or an addition to a salad."
While plant-based omega-3s don't provide much of the DHA that will benefit your baby, they're still good for both of you. Walnuts are also a good source of protein and fiber.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt typically has twice the protein of regular yogurt, making it one of Geagan's favorite pregnancy foods. And any kind of yogurt is a great source of calcium , which is vital in a pregnancy diet. If you don't take in enough calcium, the limited amount you have will go to your baby, says Geagan, depleting the calcium in your bones.
"The goal during pregnancy is to make sure you provide everything your baby needs without sacrificing your own health and nutrition," she explains. "Calcium will help keep your own bones intact while laying down a healthy skeleton for your baby."

Dark green, leafy vegetables

Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, and other green leafy vegetables are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as the all-important folate. They've also been found to promote eye health, Geagan says.

Lean meats

Meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein, says dietitian Karin Hosenfeld of North Dallas Nutrition. "Look for lean meats with the fat trimmed off," she says. "When buying red meat in particular, look for cuts that are around 95 to 98 percent fat free."
Beef and pork stand out among meats because they contain choline in addition to protein, says Ward.
Don't eat deli meats or hot dogs, though, unless they're heated until steaming hot. There's a small risk of passing bacteria and parasites, such as listeria, toxoplasma, or salmonella, from the meat to your baby, says Mayo Clinic obstetrician Mary Marnach.

Colorful fruits and veggies

Eating plenty of green, red, orange, yellow, purple, and white fruits and vegtables. ensures that you and your baby get a variety of nutrients. "Each color group provides different vitamins and minerals," explains dietitian Jodi Greebel, owner of Citrition, a nutrition counseling service in New York.

Hosenfeld points out another advantage of eating across the fruit and veggie spectrum: "During the later stages of pregnancy, the baby 'tastes' the foods you eat through the amniotic fluid," she says. "So if you expose your baby to a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables in the womb, you'll increase the chance that your baby will recognize and accept those flavors later on

Monday 28 November 2016

Food Combination Of Fruits For Better Digestion

The greatest benefits from foods and the most efficient digestion come from simple meals with minimal food combinations. Thus, the first principle of Food Combining is simplicity and compatibility in meal planning.

Fruits digest best when eaten by themselves as an entire meal. In general, fruits should not be eaten with other foods. If they are, they will be detained in the stomach causing them to begin formation.

Alcohol, coffee, tea, vinegar, condiments retard digestion considerably.

Acid Fruits & nuts - Cheeses are ok because the high fat content of nuts & cheeses acts like a separate meal from the Acid frutis by digesting more slowly.

Acid fruits delay the digestion of sweet fruits.

Tomatoes - May be combined with Low Starch vegetables and either avocados or nuts, and not with starches or proteins.

Sugar & Protein - Fruit & other sugars inhibit gastric juice delaying protein digestion

Melons - Because they decompose even faster than the other fruits. It is advised to eat melons separately from other fuits.

Avocados combine BEST with non starchy vegetables. FAIR with acid fruits & starches. Avocados do not combine well with sweet fruits or proteins.


The evergreen shrub known as Jointfir, or Mormon Tea plant is native to the south-western US. As the Mormons are not allowed to drink coffee because it is a stimulant (containing, as it does, caffeine) the twigs of this plant are used to make a tisane or tea, hence the name. The plant does not have leaves as such but has spiky green twigs, which resemble a fir tree’s needles (for example those of the European silver fir).
  The flowers are reminiscent of those of the Greek mountain tea plant, and these bloom in April through to the end of June. The fruit is a smooth brown nutlet which can be cooked although it tastes bitter, and it may be roasted and ground to make flour for using in making bread.
  This plant is in the Ephedraceae family, making it a close relative of the Sea grape,Ephedra distachya. Because it is in the Ephedra genus, it was supposed that it has the same properties as other plants in that genus; but it seems that this is not the case. This plant contains no, or very few, Ephedra alkaloids, according to the European Food Standards Agency’s (EFSA) report of 2009. That being the case, most of what has been written about the plants’ psychoactive properties online is probably not true.
  Mormon tea is made by taking the twigs of the plant and infusing them to make a tea or tisane. Both the fresh and dried twigs can be used, and for drying purposes the green twigs can be harvested at any time of the year.
  Traditionally the tea was made by Native Americans who used it medicinally as a blood purifier, diuretic and to lower the temperature of the body during fevers. It was also used as a general tonic and for kidney, urinary-genital problems and STDs.
  The plant does not contain ephedrine, or at least, not much, so all the literature regarding this compound does not apply to this particular member of the Ephedra genus.            
  The fruit from the plant can be eaten raw, although it is a little bland, but sweet, and the twigs can be chewed to treat the symptoms of asthma, but not the root cause. It makes respiratory problems easier, but does not cure them.
  There are rarely any side effects if you drink Mormon tea in moderation, although you may experience some if it is drunk to excess.
  The plant does contain the compounds, kynusenates, which have antimicrobial properties, and it is a very effective diuretic and because of this property, it can contribute to weight loss.

Friday 11 November 2016

Health Benefits of Quail Eggs

Some of the most important health benefits of quail eggs include their ability to improve vision, boost energy levels, stimulate growth and repair, improve the metabolism, reduce blood pressure, soothe allergies, cleanse the body, and prevent chronic diseases.

Quail Eggs

As the name implies, quail eggs are the eggs laid by various species of quail, which are in the orderGalliformes.  Quail are mid-sized birds found through Europe, North Africa, the southern United States and parts of Asia. Quail eggs are notably smaller than duck and chicken eggs, and are widely consumed and sold as novelty foods around the world. They are popular in Japanese bento boxes, and are typically eaten 3-5 at a time, due to their small size. Aside from being considered “cute” in many cultures, they are also packed with nutrients that make them a delicious and healthy option to add to your daily or weekly diet.
Despite the prevalence of quail in the United States, consumption of quail eggs is dominated by the Asian market, where they are commonly hawked as inexpensive street food, but the rich, flavorful yolk has increased the demand for these eggs in many different culinary areas. They have a higher yolk-to-white ratio than normal eggs, which can make them potentially dangerous for people with elevated cholesterol, but generally, quail eggs are considered very healthy. That being said, let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits of quail eggs.

Health Benefits of Quail Eggs

Improve Vision: There is an impressively high level of vitamin A found in quail eggs, which means that it helps to protect our vision and eye health. The antioxidant activity of vitamin A can help to reduce macular degeneration and prevent the development of cataracts, helping you see better for longer!
Balance Cholesterol: There are a good amount of beneficial fatty acids found in quail eggs that many people enjoy due to their heart-boosting effects. HDL cholesterol is the “good” form of cholesterol that our body needs to offset the negative effects of LDL cholesterol, and HDL makes up more than 60% of the fat in quail eggs. However, for people with pre-existing cholesterol problems, adding large quantities of these eggs to your diet might not be the best choice, as there is roughly 1.6 grams of saturated fat in each serving.
Stimulate Growth: Just like with regular chicken eggs, quail eggs provide a solid boost of protein to the diet, which we need for countless processes in our body. Proteins are broken down into their constituent components and reformed for new cells, tissue, muscle, bone, and blood vessels. The protein punch of these eggs can ensure healthy and normal growth/repair.
Reduce Blood Pressure: There are a number of essential minerals found in quail eggs, and potassium happens to be one of them. Although the cardio-protective effects of quail eggs is still under heavy research, the presence of potassium means blood pressure-reducing abilities, as this mineral acts as a vasodilator, relieving strain and stress on the arteries and blood vessels. There is also FAR more potassium in quail eggs than in normal chicken eggs.
Cleanse the Body: Detoxifying the body is important, particularly in a world filled with toxins, pollutants, and heavy metals. Studies have shown that adding these eggs to your diet can help eliminate toxins from the blood stream, as help to reduce the size of bladder stones and kidney stones.
Prevent Chronic Disease: Antioxidants are crucial components of human health, as we are constantly battling free radicals that cause chronic disease and cancer. Quail eggs possess significant levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, which can help to neutralize those free radicals and protect your overall health.
Soothe Allergies: Quail eggs are naturally high in ovomucoid protein, which acts in the body as a natural anti-allergenic. Therefore, if you are suffering from congestion, inflammation, or other symptoms of allergic reactions, quail eggs can get your body back to normal.
Increase Metabolism: The range of B-family vitamins that are found in quail eggs result in boosted metabolic activity throughout the boxy, including hormonal and enzymatic function. By ensuring smooth bodily processes and organ functions, quail eggs can be far more than a delicious treat!
Raise Energy Levels: The long list of minerals and micronutrients found in these tiny eggs, as well as the protein boost of nearly 6 grams per serving, makes these eggs particularly good for an early morning surge of energy and mood. A high-protein, nutrient-dense breakfast is highly recommended for those who often feel dependent on caffeine or other stimulants to regulate their energy levels.
A Final Word of Warning: As mentioned, there is a moderate amount of saturated fat in these eggs, so any consumption should be made in moderation, and any major alterations to your diet should be approved by a trained medical professional. Aside from that, crack open a quail egg and enjoy!

Friday 4 November 2016

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Many women want to know to look for the signs if you suspect you are pregnant. There are many signs that respect a woman should do if you suspect that she might be pregnant. If you do not plan to become pregnant, and experiencing these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Early signs of pregnancy include fatigue, increased hunger. Fatigue occurs because of changes in hormone levels and chemicals that the body feels. A woman may feel weak, no reason. Or, if you honestly feel the feeling, narcolepsy, and the need to sleep more than usual. You will find that your appetite increases. It may seem that we have cut to food. When a woman gives these impulses at first, it is normal. But if it requires an increase, it may be a sign that she should visit a doctor, especially if pregnancy is suspected.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The next character, which usually makes a woman more confident that you are pregnant, there is nausea. All women nausea during pregnancy. However, the big mistake that only experienced morning sickness. This process is known as morning sickness. Although many women actually get sick in the morning, a pregnant nausea, at any time to experience. If a woman suspects that she may be pregnant, and if you are nausea and vomiting, then you need an immediate confirmation of pregnancy.

Women also have water retention, light menstrual spotting and stopping of the menstrual cycle when she is pregnant. Some women stop menstruation mother now, if they are pregnant. Some women spot for a month or two, but not outside of the bleeding. If a woman feels that she may be pregnant, and it feels heavy bleeding or discolored spots, so it should go to the emergency room immediately.

Early signs of pregnancy can be unsettling for those experiencing pregnancy for the first time, however, they can discuss these symptoms with your doctor. If these symptoms are unpleasant, that is, products that are available without a prescription and shop for health and nutrition, which can alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy are. Many women find that certain nutritional supplements, herbs and foods that they can, the early signs of pregnancy that come to change everything that was expected.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms