Tuesday 5 May 2015

Toxic ice cream and Tofiya

You biscuits, candy or ice cream flavor-flavor are eating healthy treat. Later on, he can be very dangerous to your health.Not only several large local companies and multinational companies' products can also come in the same category. The reason why some large companies to prepare their product changed gene (genetically Modifaid) Use of the GM food is not clearly forbidden.

On Tuesday in New Delhi issued by Greenpeace GM-free food 'name has been revealed in the book of guidelines. This book has been released at a time when the cultivation of Bt brinjal government is set to give the green signal. Organization Jai Krishna BT food on people's health, what impact does not exist, its just a test. With regard to GM food allergy tests conducted on laboratory mice, evidence of side effects on the liver and kidneys have surfaced. 

Green and red in the book has been released in the two lists. The country changed in the gene to produce foods, restrictions on the use and import. Syed Mahbub Greenpeace said many large companies in the future to use in their products GM foods has not categorically denied. Such companies in the book is placed in the red list. Britannia, successful, Hindustan Lever, Nestle, Kailogj, Cadbury, Agrotech Foods, Fresh Field, and Hrshig of Godrej Foods is placed in the same list. 

These companies at large biscuits, ice cream, toffee-shot, chocolate, dairy products and other foods that sell produce.Greenpeace said Jean-added products are dangerous in terms of health. Bt brinjal, tomato, rice, mustard, potatoes, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, apple, banana, gram, wheat gene mutations, including 41 Things are in a position different experiments. ITC Foods, Ruchi Soya, Haldiram, Dabur and MTR is placed in the green list.

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