Sunday 29 May 2016

The Best Recipe for Fast Hair Growth

If you are one of those who wish for a thick and shiny hair, we got the best recipe for you! Did you know that the juice of red onions may help to prevent hair loss and graying hair, and at the same time it may accelerate its growth and improve its quality?
The speed with which hair grows definitely depends on genetics, however, it also may depend on various external and internal factors. In order to enable your hair to grow at its maximum speed, you can try using some of the homemade products the recipes of which have been passed from generation to generation.
Allegedly, the red onion method, which is deemed as very effective, has been used in Hollywood as well.
Many individual studies have shown that red onion prevents hair loss in 87% of the cases. After the treatment with red onion juice for a month, you, too, will be surprised by the appearance of your hair. In addition, dermatologists claim that the red onion juice causes no harmful consequences or side effects to the skin of your head or to your hair.
So, what’s the secret of red onion?
It is a rich source of sulfur that induces the production of collagen, which in turn is vital for hair growth.
Additionally, red onion juice is also great for blood circulation and skin inflammations, and it also has antibacterial properties.
The juice of red onions will make your hair stronger because it will open the hair follicles and prevent possible infections.
Those who have already tried this method claim that the results after a month are amazing!
Recipe for Hair Growth with Red Onion:
You will need 2-4 onion bulbs.
Clean the onion bulbs thoroughly. You can either shred the onions and strain the juice or blend them and then strain the juice through gauze or strainer.
Add a tablespoon of honey to the mixture and stir it well.
Massage your head with this juice and leave it on for 15-30 minutes. The smell is strong but it’s worth the effort. You can leave the mask on for a whole hour if you have the time. Thus, it will function even more.
After the treatment, wash your hair as usual. This treatment should be practiced 2-3 times a month for best results.

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