Sunday 7 December 2014

15 health benefits of methi

The seeds and leaves of methi (fenugreek) are readily available and widely used in Indian kitchen. They have a strong aroma and a bitter taste. But when used in small quantities they impart flavour to your food. It is commonly used in curries, vegetable dishes, dals and not to forget the mouth-watering methi paratha. But did you know that methi is a rich reservoir of medicinal properties too? Methi contains protein, fibre, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, iron and alkaloids. It also contains a compound diosgenin which has oestrogen-like properties, as well as steroidal saponins. These compounds impart many benefits to methi – from being your beauty product to being an answer to your health problems!
Here are 15 health benefits of methi (fenugreek):
Increase breast milk production
Fenugreek ranks high among the ‘must haves’ for nursing mothers. This is due to the presence of diosgenin in the spice which increases milk production in lactating mothers.
Induce and ease child birth

Fenugreek has been known to be helpful in inducing childbirth by stimulating uterine contractions. It is also known to reduce labour pain. But here’s a word of caution. Excess intake of fenugreek seeds during pregnancy could put you in risk of miscarriage or premature childbirth.
Ease women’s health problems
Fenugreek contains compounds like diosgenin and isoflavones with oestrogen-like properties which help reduce symptoms like discomfort and menstrual cramps associated with PMS. These compounds also ease menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and mood fluctuations. Women are more prone to iron deficiency during adolescence (initiation of menstrual periods), during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Including green leafy veggies like fenugreek (methi) in your diet can supply a good amount of iron. But make sure to add tomatoes or potatoes to the preparations to enhance the iron absorption.
Breast Enlargement
Want to enlarge your breasts? Include fenugreek in your regular diet. The oestrogen-like property of fenugreek can help in breast enlargement by balancing hormones in women.
Reduce cholesterol
According to studies fenugreek helps to reduce cholesterol level, especially that of the low density lipoprotein (LDL).
Reduce cardiovascular risk
Fenugreek seed has cardiovascular benefits due to the presence of galactomannan. It lowers the risk of heart attack. It is also an excellent source of potassium which counters the action of sodium to help control heart rate and blood pressure.
Control diabetes
Fenugreek is beneficial for people with diabetes.  Galactomannan, a natural soluble fibre present in fenugreek slows down the rate of sugar absorption into blood. Fenugreek also contains amino acid responsible for inducing the production of insulin.
Aid digestion
Fenugreek helps flush out harmful toxins. It relieves indigestion and helps treat constipation.
Cure acid reflux or heartburn
One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in your food can be an effective remedy for acid reflux or heartburn. Mucilage of fenugreek seeds coat the lining of the stomach and intestine and sooth irritated gastrointestinal tissues. Before consuming, you can soak the methi seeds in water to make their outer coat mucilaginous.
Remedy for fever and sore throat
Fenugreek when taken with a teaspoon of lemon and honey can work wonders to reduce fever by nourishing the body. The soothing effect of mucilage in fenugreek also helps to relieve cough and pain from sore throat.
Prevent colon cancer
The fibre content (saponins, mucilage, etc.) of fenugreek binds to toxins in the food and flush them out. This in turn helps to protect the mucus membrane of the colon from cancers.
Lose weight by suppressing appetite
Include fenugreek in your weight loss diet by chewing soaked methi seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. The natural soluble fibre in the fenugreek can swell and fill the stomach thereby suppressing your appetite.
Cure for skin inflammation and scars

Apply a clean cloth soaked in methi seed paste for effective treatment of skin problems like burns, boils, eczema, etc. Fenugreek seeds also help in getting rid of scars.
Beauty product
Fenugreek can be an excellent ingredient for your home-made beauty product. Fenugreek can be used in face packs to help prevent blackheads, pimples, wrinkles, etc. Washing your face with water boiled with fenugreek seeds or applying a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves for twenty minutes on your face can work wonders for your skin.
Solution to hair problems
Using fenugreek as a part of your diet or as a paste to directly apply on your hair makes yourhair shiny and black. Massaging your head everyday with boiled fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in coconut oil can be an excellent remedy for thinning of hair and hair fall. What more? Fenugreek is also great to keep the dandruff away

10 health benefits of ginger

Ginger, with its strong and spicy aroma, has its own place in Indian cuisine. It may be used fresh or dried, powdered or pickled or in the form of juice or oil.  Ginger tea, the classic Indian household favourite, is the most commonly used form, not to mention the ginger concoction given every time someone catches a c.

For thousands of years, ginger has been used for the treatment of innumerable ailments due to its powerful therapeutic and preventive effects. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, and anti-emetic properties. It helps to decrease inflammation, swelling and pain due to its ability to inhibit prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis. It inhibits serotonin receptors and has the ability to break up and expel intestinal gas (carminative effect) which makes it a good antiemetic agent. Its antioxidant activity, the ability to induce cell death (apoptosis) and suppressing certain protein bestows it with anticancer properties. Compounds found in ginger are known to suppress allergic reactions. All these properties make ginger a powerhouse of health benefits. Here are few of them:

Respiratory problems

Ginger’s antihistamine property helps in treating allergies. It is also known to inhibit airway contraction and help stimulate the secretion of mucus. It is the herb of choice for persistent cough and sore throat associated with colds. A teaspoon of ginger juice with honey is effective against sore throat. And ginger tea is an all-time favourite to get rid of congestion in the throat and nose. Fresh ginger juice mixed with fenugreek and honey is excellent during asthma. Here’s how you can get instant relief from cough and cold.

Treating nausea and vomiting

Chewing on ginger could reduce nausea and vomiting. According to studies, ginger can treat sensations of nausea following surgery, and due to motion sickness, seasickness, etc. It is also beneficial for nausea as a result of adverse effect of chemotherapy. 

Preventing morning sickness

Some pregnant women may find ginger beneficial in preventing their morning sickness. But it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking it. Read more about how you can deal with morning sickness.

Remedy for loss of appetite

Fuel a dull appetite by eating fresh ginger just before you have your meal. Ginger can get your digestive juices going and increase your appetite.

Aiding in digestion

Had a large meal? Eat ginger. Ginger improves absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients and aids in digestion. It also helps break down the proteins in your food. Ginger protects your stomach against ulcers by promoting mucus secretion. Also you can try these yoga poses to improve digestion.


Calm in your upset stomach with ginger. Its carminative (gas expulsion) property provides relief from bloating and gas and helps reduce flatulence. Here are some tips to keep flatulence away.

Reduce menstrual pain

Ginger, when taken at the beginning of the menstrual period, can reduce symptoms of menstrual pain in some women. Here are some tried and tested tips to relieve menstrual pain.

Relieve headache

Applying diluted ginger paste on the forehead is believed to relieve migraine headache. The ability of ginger to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis helps relieve pain and inflammation in blood vessels thereby providing relief from migraine. Here’s how ginger can help you to get rid of headache.


The analgesic and anti-inflammatory property of ginger may help reduce joint pain of arthritis in some people. To help relieve muscle and joint ache, add some ginger oil into your bath.


Ginger root contains a very high level of antioxidants. Ginger has the ability to induce cell death (apoptosis) and suppress certain protein. According to some studies, ginger may be a powerful weapon against cancers. Here are top 10 food habits to prevent cancer.

Levels of vitamins to help increase your sperm

Common cause of trouble in pregnancy is considered to be of low levels of male sperm. But it is good news for you. There are so many vitamins in your diet all you can overcome this problem. So if you want to increase your sperm levels, so these vitamins make it a part of your diet menu.

Vitamin C-rich asparagus
Asparagus vitamins - A, Vitamin - C, vitamin B - complex, contain potassium and zinc. It does not contain fat and cholesterol. Being rich in vitamin C prevents oxidation of the sperm cells and it helps protect the testicles. Vitamin C reduces free radicals, so that the man's body fight disease may instead focus on the production of sperm.

Vitamin E-rich avocado
Vitamin E and B6-rich avocado pear-shaped fruit is delicious. Vitamin E, vitamin B6 and folic acid being the most important role it plays in promoting sperm motility.

Vitamin B1 and Vitamin A rich banana
Sexual size of the bananas which are some things that help in increasing sperm count. Bromelan in bananas is called a rare enzyme that regulates sex hormones. Bananas Vitamin B1, Vitamin A and Vitamin C are also plentiful and the men's circuit training enhances the body's ability to increase the level of sperm provides.

Vitamin B6 'rich garlic
Alisin known antibiotic found in garlic which the blood flow to the genitals so that boosts energy levels and sperm. Garlic also contains selenium and vitamin B6, which prevents damage to sperm and keeps Harmonn control.

Vitamin B is as dark chocolate
The higher the amount of cocoa in chocolate contains enough protein and B vitamins. Dark chocolate also contains an amino acid called L Orjinin HCL men's sperm count and semen volume doubles. A little dark chocolate to eat before having sex in men is more energy.

Antioxidant-rich pomegranate
All food is the best super food. Due to intense cocktail of antioxidants in pomegranate truly ranging from the common cold to increase sperm count can cure every disease. Pomegranate juice has a lot of strength, a man drinking a cup of juice may have too much power.

Omega-3 fatty acid-rich nut
The testes produce sperm that is Argnain in walnuts helps to increase semen volume increases. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids blood flow to the penis helps.

Vitamin D-rich green vegetables
Increasing levels of sperm in men in the vitamin D plays an important role. Vitamin D We leafy green vegetables, milk, milk products and get sun. During the research, it combines live sperm cells have vitamin D in sperm motility occurred.
Zinc-rich oysters
A good portion of the sperm cell is made of zinc and contains a relatively high amount of zinc in oysters. Oysters consumed in the diet not only increases sperm production, but it also helps to repair damaged sperm.
Vitamin C-rich berry
Vitamin C is very beneficial in terms of winter, yet it also improves sperm quality. Men rich in vitamin C include in your diet can increase your sperm production. This citric fruit of all kinds, such as amla, oranges, strawberries and kiwi fruit etc to get by.

Top 5 Health Benefits of Eating Potatoes


Experts tell us that potatoes are not only tasty additions to your diet but carry enormous health benefits as well. Nutritionists at the National Institutes of Health report that potatoes are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals that protect against cancer and promote heart-health.
What does this mean to family dinner time? Plenty. Check out these Top 5 Health Benefits of Eating Potatoes. Potatoes are not only delicious but important, healthy additions to your daily diet.
1. Eating potatoes can reduce inflammation. How? Potatoes are wholesome, nightshade vegetables, loaded with carbohydrates, protein, calcium, niacin and Vitamin C. Because of the fiber in potatoes, they are soft and easily digested. The Vitamin C in potatoes make them great antioxidants which repair cells in the body. Potatoes can relieve inflammation in the intestines and digestive track. Raw potatoes can also be mashed and applied to relieve external burns, inflammation, and so forth.
2. Eating potatoes can increase brain function. The brain or nerve center of your body relies on several things to function, including balanced glucose levels, oxygen, Vitamin B complex, amino acids, Omega-3 and other fatty acids, among others. Potatoes contain these elements and so much more to keep your brain performing as it should.
3. Eating potatoes can help prevent cardiovascular disease. Potatoes are a great source of carbohydrates, protein, calcium, niacin and Vitamins C and B-complex. These properties help fight        heart disease and keep blood pressure at normal levels. Potatoes also contain carotenoids, key to heart health and overall health and wellness.
4. Potatoes may offset incidence of kidney stones. There are an increasing number of studies that indicate that potatoes may have protective health benefits. For example, potatoes are rich sources of magnesium which can offset the accumulation of calcium in the kidney.
5. Potatoes advance skin care. Potatoes have all the right stuff to optimize health and wellness. Potatoes contain Vitamins C and B-complex, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus, all excellent vitamins and minerals for your skin. Raw potatoes can be mashed and mixed with honey to make a masque for your skin. Raw potatoes can also be applied to burns and rashes to ease the swelling and pain.
The good news? Potatoes aren't just about carbs anymore. Indeed, there's growing evidence that potatoes may be among the most healthful vegetables around. Of course, it's best to bake a potato to get its full health benefits. You'll also need to limit the number of potatoes eaten with each meal, particularly if you are overweight or diabetic. Finally, it's important to check with your doctor, nutritionist and other health care professionals about ways to appropriately integrate potatoes into your daily diet and routine.

The Numerous Health Benefits of Coconuts

One of my all-time favorite fruits is the coconut. The Pacific Islanders believe that it is the cure for all illness, which is why the palm tree (from which coconuts are grown) is known as “The Tree of Life.” Coconut oil is thought to possess healing properties above and beyond that of any other dietary oils.

Eating coconuts are excellent for one’s immunity. They are antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic, meaning they kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Because of that, if you consume coconut in any of its various forms (whether it be raw coconut, coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut butter, etc.), it can help treat some of mankind’s worst and most resilient of illnesses such as influenza, giardia, lice, throat infections, urinary tract infections, tapeworms, herpes, gonorrhea, bronchitis, and numerous other ailments caused by microbials.
Whether you’re eating the meat, drinking the juice, or consuming it as oil, coconuts are a delicious and nutritious source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It has tons of calcium, potassium, and magnesium, as well as plenty of electrolytes. In fact, coconut water is known to have the same electrolyte levels as human plasma, and has even been used for plasma transfusions!
The oil is excellent for keeping one young and beautiful. Its antioxidant properties slow down the aging process by protecting the body from harmful free radicals. I like to put a little bit of coconut oil on my skin every day to keep it nice and smooth, as well as free from dryness. I apply it onto my skin before showering. The hot water opens my pores, allowing the oil to absorb through my skin more efficiently. Just make sure to wipe the bottom of the tub when you’re done, since the coconut oil can be slippery. Coconut oil is also known to treat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
It also helps hair to become more healthy and lustrous. My hair has always been a bit on the dry, thin side, so I like to put coconut oil in it. On occasion, I’ll leave the oil in my hair overnight (covering my pillow with a towel so as to not get it oily) and wash it out in the morning. I’m always satisfied to find my hair is moist, radiant, and shiny. It’s a great alternative if you don’t want to use a leave-in conditioner.
Eating coconuts also supports the development of strong, healthy bones and teeth. It does this by improving the body’s ability to absorb calcium and magnesium. It also prevents osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones become thin and fragile and lose their density. This makes coconuts a good, healthy alternative for those who are lactose intolerant, but still want to have strong bones and teeth. Those who prefer a vegan diet can benefit from it as a good source of protein and fatty acids.
When coconut oil was first brought to the U.S., there was a lot of negative hype about it because it contains high levels of saturated fat. People were concerned that it increased cholesterol and contributed to heart disease—but this is a myth. It actually lowers cholesterol and reduces the chances of heart disease. This is because its fat content is simply changed into energy, lessening the likelihood of fat buildup in the arteries and heart.

Saturday 6 December 2014

29 Amazing Benefits Of Amla Juice For Skin, Hair And Health

Amla or Indian gooseberry is popular since decades due to its nutritional benefits. In India, this fruit is used in making pickles, chutneys, jams and murabbas. Amla juice is a healthy drink as it is a storehouse of vitamin C and other nutrients which provide an array of health and beauty benefits. Amla fruit is greatly renowned and amla juice is also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

It is regarded as the juice of immortality or the magic potion which keeps you young and fit. Drinking amla juice twice a day can do wonders for your body and skin. It not only improves the appearance of your skin but also helps maintain proper body functions. It also makes your hair grow stronger.
Today amla juice is commercially available in medical stores but it is advisable to prepare it at home in order to ensure that it is pure and contains no added preservatives. All these qualities make it a healthy alternative for aerated and processed drinks.

How to Prepare Amla Juice?

The advent of winter season marks the availability of fresh amlas. It is quite simple to prepare amla juice at home. Though it is usually sweetened by adding sugar, you can also add a little jaggery or brown sugar, salt and pepper to the drink to get a different taste. You can also flavor it with a little cardamom powder.
  • 1 cup Amla (Indian Gooseberry), cut into pieces
  • 1cup sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of cardamom powder (optional) for a glass of amla juice
  • Image: 2

  • Wash and dry the amlas and place them in a bowl.
  • Adding 1 ½ cup of water to the pressure cooker, place the bowl in it. Cover the pressure cooker with its lid and light the stove.
  • Switch off the stove after one whistle. Remove the bowl from the stove when there is no pressure in the cooker.
  • Now gently touch the gooseberry to see if it has cooled down. Press the amlas with in between your fingers to break them into pieces and remove the seeds.
  • Grind sugar into fine powder.
  • Grind the amla pieces. If you find it difficult to grind them, add some sugar powder and then grind them.
  • To prepare the amla juice concentrate, mix the amla paste with sugar powder and salt.
  • You can place this concentrate in a freezer safe box and store it in the freezer.
  • You can add 2 to 3 spoons of this concentrate to a glass of water whenever you require amla juice. You can add some cardamom powder and stir well.
  • This juice concentrate can be stored in the freezer for 8 months or more. However, it changes color in course of time.
  • Since amlas are slightly bitter in taste, you can initially cook them in water. This will make them soft as well as ward off the bitter taste.
Preservation of Amla Juice:
To preserve amla juice, ensure that the quantity of the juice is equal to the capacity of the jar. For instance, 500 grams of amla juice should be stored in a 500 grams capacity glass or a plastic container. Add 2 tablespoons of sodium lactate and mix well. This juice can be preserved in the refrigerator for 8 to 10 months. Sodium lactate is easily available at a chemist or any store that sells food chemicals.
Amla juice is a great drink to recharge your energy for the rest of the day. Being a storehouse of vitamin C and minerals like iron, it can prevent various diseases and improves your health. Regular intake of this juice provides you the following health benefits.

1. Relieves Asthma And Bronchitis:

Drinking amla juice with honey twice daily can relieve asthma and bronchitis complications. It also reduces the incidence of chronic cough, allergic asthma and tuberculosis.

2. Burns Fat:

Amla juice can cure obesity by increasing protein levels which in turn helps in reducing unwanted fat. It has the ability to create a positive nitrogen balance. It reduces the cholesterol levels, thus minimizing the risk of heart attacks.

3. Relieves Constipation And Piles:

Amla juice helps in relieving constipation caused due to piles. It also regulates the bowel movements and cures chronic constipation.

4. Treatment of Gastric Disorders:

Amla juice is great treatment for gastric disorders and hyperchlorhydria (burning sensation in abdomen). It is a good remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. Besides piles and constipation, it helps maintain healthy liver functions. Amla juice is effective in treating peptic ulcers and acidity. If you have acidity problems, you can take amla juice with pure ghee everyday twice a day.

5. Blood Purifier:

Amla juice acts as a blood purifier by flushing out toxins from the body. Regular intake of this juice purifies your blood as well as helps increase hemoglobin and red blood cell counts.

6. Eye Health:

Regular intake of amla juice helps in improving eyesight and nearsightedness as well as controls the onset of cataracts. It also minimizes intraocular tension. It counters problems like reddening, itching and watering of eyes.

7. Beneficial For Heart:

Amla juice is considered a great remedy for heart problems as it makes the heart muscles strong, thus enabling the heart to pump blood easily.

8. Controls Diabetes:

Amla juice taken with turmeric powder and honey helps in controlling diabetes.

9. Cooling Agent:

Amla juice contains 20 times more vitamin C than orange juice. This vitamin improves the tannins that are required to shield heat and light. During summer season, this juice keeps your skin cool by sorting out heat from the body. It also acts as a shield against radiation by protecting you against the harmful UV rays.

10. Soothes Inflammation:

The anti-inflammatory properties in amla juice help in reducing the swelling in the joints caused by arthritis. By reducing inflammation, it also protects and eases the tissues of the digestive tract.

11. Oral Health:

Daily intake of amla juice wards off bad breath and strengthens teeth. Gargling with a mixture of water and amla juice can provide relief from painful mouth ulcers.

12. Treatment of Insomnia:

Amla juice is effective in curing insomnia. All you need to do is take fresh amla juice with a mixture of coarse powder of nutmeg; and experience a sound and peaceful sleep.

13. Prevents Cancer:

Amla juice is rich in antioxidants, particularly superoxide dismutase (SOD), which protect against the formation of free radicals. Thus, regular intake of this juice helps in preventing cancer.

14. Bone Health:

Regular consumption of amla juice lowers the osteoclasts, the cells that are responsible for breaking down the bones.

15. Other Benefits:

Amla juice comprises of many minerals and vitamins such as carotene, phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamin B complex; and hence, is a powerful antioxidant. It protects against oxidative stress by eliminating free radicals. It fortifies our liver, strengthens your lung, nourishes your brain, improves muscle tone, improves your urinary system and balances stomach acids. In fact, according to Ayurveda, regular consumption of amla juice promotes longevity.


Amla juice works wonders for your skin as it is loaded with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Some of the benefits of amla juice for skin are as follows.

16. Lightens Complexion:

The antioxidants and vitamin C present in amla juice brighten your skin and impart a natural glow to it. Drinking amla juice with the addition of honey or applying it as a face pack is great for making your complexion lighter and brighter. It also keeps your skin free from blemishes.

17. Anti-ageing Benefits:

Amla juice helps to maintain the youthful look of your skin as it contains a lot of antioxidants. Vitamin C, in particular, acts to keep your skin young for a longer time. Thus, regular intake of amla juice delays the effects of premature ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, dark spots etc.

18. Treatment of Pigmentation:

One of the benefits of drinking amla juice regularly is that it provides you with a glowing and flawless skin. It brightens your skin and reduces pigmentation. You can also apply amla juice on your face with a cotton wool and rinse off after a few minutes. Keep your eyes shut while doing so. Doing this regularly will lighten the marks and pigmentation.

19. Tones and Tightens Skin:

Decrease in the skin collagen causes your skin tissue to lose its firmness and softness, resulting in sagging skin. As stated earlier, amla juice is rich in vitamin C which boosts the production of collagen cells in the skin, thus making your skin soft, supple and youthful as well as tones and tightens your skin.

20. Treatment of Acne and Pimples:

Amla juice is perfect for the treatment of acne and pimple scars. Applying a paste made from amla for 10 to 15 minutes will heal the spots as well as decrease the acne and pimples. Moreover, since it is a natural blood purifier, it fights the microorganisms in the skin, thus keeping skin infections as well as acne and pimples at bay. Hence, drinking amla juice on a regular basis helps to keep your skin clear and flawless.

21. Exfoliates And Cleanses Skin:

Amla juice is an excellent cleanser whether ingested or applied topically. Being a mild exfoliant, it helps in removing the dead skin cells. If your skin is sensitive, you can dilute it with some water before applying.

22. Repairs Damaged Tissues:

Amla juice has good healing properties due to the presence of vitamin C and other antioxidants which can speed up the damaged tissue repair, thus providing you with a healthy and clear skin. It also combats the problem of dry and scaly skin.


Amla has been considered as a hair tonic and so amla juice also plays an important role in making your hair healthier and stronger. It is an effective natural remedy for several hair problems. In some of its Benefits Hair care are as follows.  

23. Strengthens Hair:

Amla Juice Strengthens Your Hair follicles, Thus Encouraging growth Hair . You can apply a mixture of amla and lemon juice on your scalp and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This will strengthen your hair from roots and make it shinier. 

24. Prevents Premature Graying:

Amla juice is very beneficial for those suffering from premature graying of hair. This is because it is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which prevent premature graying of hair.

25. Treatment of Dandruff:

Dandruff is a common problem these days and having amla juice is an effective way of getting rid of it. Regular consumption of this juice prevents accumulation of dandruff on your scalp.

26. Improves Pigmentation:

Amla juice helps to improve pigmentation and color of hair and makes it darker and thicker. It is used as an effective ingredient in hair dyes and other hair care products. It is great for the treatment of hair discoloration and graying hair.

27. Good Conditioner:

Amla juice acts as a great conditioner for dry and rough hair. You can mix some amla juice with henna and apply it on your hair. This will counteract the drying nature of henna, thus providing you with healthy and conditioned hair. You can also use it as a hair wash to add extra shine and bounce.

28. Scalp Cleanser:

You can mix amla juice with an egg, beat it and massage your hair with it. Amla juice will mask the smell of eggs and provide you with shiny, silky and squeaky clean nourished scalp.

29. Prevents Hair Problems:

Besides Strengthening Your Hair, regular Juice Consumption of AMLA helps to deal with several problems like Hair Hair loss, split ends and Frizzy Hair . 
Hence amla juice offers countless benefits for your skin, hair and health by enriching your body with vital nutrients. It deserves to be incorporated in your diet and can be a healthy alternative for various dietary supplements sans the negative effects.

22 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Bitter Melon/Bitter Gourd For Skin, Hair And Health

Confused with the name? More commonly bitter gourd in hindi is known as “Karela”. This vegetable is called as Bitter Gourd, Bitter Melon and Bitter Squash in english. First thing that comes to my mind seeing it is the bitterness in the name. They are dark or light green in colour depending on the region where they are grown. Though they taste very bitter, they are filled with many beneficial antioxidants and essential vitamins.

Bitter melon can be consumed in various ways like drinking its juice, pickle or using them in recipes.


Let us quickly look at some of the most well known health benefits of Bitter Melon:

1. Respiratory disorders:

Fresh pods are an excellent remedy for curing respiratory problems like asthma, cold, cough, etc.

2Liver tonic:

Drink one glass of Bitter Melon juice daily to heal liver problems. Keep consuming this continuously for a week to see results.

3. Immune system:

Boil bitter melon leaves or fruits in water and consume it every day to fight against infections. This also helps to build your immunity.

4. Acne:

Consuming Bitter Melon can help to get rid of acne, blemishes and deep skin infections.  Bitter melon is useful in treating blood disorders like blood boils, scabies, itching, psoriasis, ring-worm and other fungal diseases. The free radicals in it are also useful for anti ageing.
Consume juice of bitter melon mixed with lemon on an empty stomach daily for 6 months or till you get the required results.

5. Diabetes:

Bitter melon juice benefits to overcome type 2 diabetes. It has been a part of the Chinese and Indian ancient medicine for a long time but only recent research has proven that it is no folk lore. Type 2 diabetes is caused partially due to the inability of a cell to absorb the sugar in the blood due to insufficient insulin or due development of resistance to insulin. In both cases, the cells are unable to absorb the sugar due to the ineffectiveness of insulin produced. The absorption of sugar occurs due to the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase in the cells. Bitter gourd activated these kinases due to which the absorption of sugar increases. And hence aids in bringing diabetes in control.
Green juice for diabetics: cucumbers, green apples, bitter melon, celery, ½ green capsicum (bell pepper). Bitter melon contains certain chemicals that are like insulin which help to reduce blood sugar levels.

6. Constipation:

Bitter melon helps in easy digestion as it contains fibre properties. The food is digested and waste is thrown out of the body which helps in curing indigestion and constipation problems.

7. Kidney and bladder:

Bitter melon helps to maintain healthy liver and bladder. It is also useful in curing kidney stones.

8. Heart disease:

Bitter melon is very good for the heart in many ways. They help to reduce the bad cholesterol levels which clog the arterial walls and thereby reduce the chances of heart attacks. Also it is known to lower blood sugar levels that help in maintaining good heart health.

 9. Cancer:

Bitter Melon can prevent cancer cells from multiplying.

10. Weight loss:

Bitter Melon contains antioxidants, which help to flush out your system. This improves your metabolism and digestive systems thus helping you lose weight quickly.The two other major factors that aid in weight loss is the calorie control and filling components. Calorie control happens as such because vegetables are low on calories which allows you to consume more quantities of them. Filling component in this vegetable is water. We know that water is a universal suppressant of hunger. And the pods of this vegetable contain on the whole 80-85% water.


The appearance of your skin is largely determined by what you put inside your body. In other words, getting proper nutrition is a pre requisite for healthy and damage free skin. Being a natural blood purifier, bitter gourd helps in improving the appearance of your skin. It provides the following benefits to your skin:

11. Prevents Skin Problems:

Regular consumption of bitter gourd helps in keeping your skin glowing and free from blemishes. It also helps prevent acne thanks to its blood purifying properties.

12. Skin Infections:

Bitter melon benefits in treating skin diseases or skin infections, eczema and psoriasis. Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice helps in improving psoriasis condition as well as other fungal infections like ring worm and athletes foot.

13. Anti-ageing:

Bitter gourd contains vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. By fighting and eliminating the harmful free radicals, it helps to prevent wrinkles by slowing down the ageing process. It also protects the skin from damage by Sun’s ultraviolet rays.

14. Healing Qualities:

Bitter gourd helps in controlling blood flow and clotting, causing wounds to heal faster, preventing further infections.


bitter gourd hair lossBitter gourd is a great home remedy for your hair. Besides being beneficial for your skin and health, bitter gourd juice is also effective in treating hair problems and promoting longevity. It is beneficial for your hair in the following ways:

15. Shiny Hair:

To impart a natural shine to your hair, you can mix a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice with yoghurt and apply on your hair. Wash off after sometime. This will make your hair shiny and beautiful.

16. Dandruff:

Dandruff is a common problem and is mostly caused due to the consumption of unhealthy food and exposure to pollution. To ward off dandruff, you can prepare a hair pack by mixing bitter gourd juice and cumin seeds. Regular usage of this pack will rid you of dandruff within a month.

17. Split Ends:

If you are troubled by split ends, you can apply raw bitter gourd juice to your split ends and then comb gently. This should be done twice a week to get rid of split ends.

18. Dry and Itchy Scalp:

To combat dryness of scalp, you can rub a fresh piece of bitter gourd on it and massage your scalp in a circular motion. Then rinse off with clear water. To combat itchiness, you can prepare a hair pack by mixing bitter gourd juice with either avocado or banana and apply it on your scalp. This should be used at least once a week to get rid of itchy scalp.

19. Hair Loss:

Bitter gourd juice helps in reducing hair-fall naturally. All you need to do is mix bitter gourd juice with a dash of sugar and use this paste on your hair to get good results.

20. Rough and Tangled Hair:

If you have rough and tangled hair, you can pour a cup of bitter gourd juice and allow it to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse off your hair. This will help smoothen your hair texture and make it soft and shiny.

21. Grey Hair:

Bitter gourd can also treat premature greying of hair. You can apply freshly squeezed bitter gourd juice on your grey strands. Doing this once in every ten days will reduce grey hair growth.

22. Oily Hair:

Increased intake of oily food can cause the accumulation of excess oil in your hair. If you have oily hair, you should first limit the consumption of oily food. You can apply a mixture of bitter gourd juice and apple cider vinegar to remove excess oil from your hair.

Bitter Gourd: Nutritional Value:

The numerous health, skin and hair benefits of bitter melon can be attributed to its nutritional value. It has a wide array of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, copper and phosphorus. The chart given below shows the nutritional value of bitter gourd.
See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:Bitter melon (Momordica charantia),
fresh, raw, Nutritive value per 100 g
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy17 Kcal<1%
Carbohydrates3.70 g3%
Protein1.00 g2%
Total Fat0.17 g0.5%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber2.80 g7%
Folates72 µg18%
Niacin0.400 mg2.5%
Pantothenic acid0.212 mg4%
Pyridoxine0.043 mg3%
Riboflavin0.040 mg3%
Thiamin0.040 mg3.5%
Vitamin A471 IU16%
Vitamin C84 mg140%
Sodium5 mg<1%
Potassium296 mg6%
Calcium19 mg2%
Copper0.034 mg4%
Iron0.43 mg5%
Magnesium17 mg4%
Manganese0.089 mg4%
Zinc0.80 mg7%
Carotene-ß190 µg
Carotene-α185 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin170 µg

  • Calories: Bitter gourd is quite low in calories with a 100 gram serving providing just 17 calories.
  • Vitamin C: Bitter gourd is an excellent source of vitamin C with 100 grams of raw pod, providing 84 mg of this vitamin which is equivalent to 140% of Recommended Daily Intake (RDI).
  • Folates: Fresh pods are a good source of folates. 100 grams of fresh pods provide 72 µg of folate which is equivalent to 18% of RDI.
  • B-vitamins: It is also a good source of B-vitamins like niacin or Vitamin B3, pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5 and pyridoxine or Vitamin B6.


1. Always wash Bitter Melon thoroughly under running water.
2. Use fresh Bitter Melon for best results.
3. Always choose bitter gourds that are fresh, bright, deep green in colour.
4. Don’t consume more than 2 bitter melons a day
4. The Bitter Melon leaves should be kept in a cool, dry, dark place. They stay fresh in refrigerator up to a week.
5. Marinade with salt to reduce bitterness.
6. Pregnant women should be careful while consuming this vegetable. The laxative component of the vegetable may lead to premature contraction, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages. Do consult your doctor once.