Friday 29 July 2016

12 Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes That You Probably Haven’t Heard of Yet

Lemons and limes belong to the citrus fruit family, known for their high levels of vitamin C content and other essential minerals. Regardless of their acidity and sour taste, these fruits do not acidify the human body but on the contrary, their consumption has an alkaline effect upon it. Citrus fruits’ rinds contain limonene, a compound known to be anti-carcinogenic and liver healthy. It is also used to promote weight loss and treat bronchitis.
Lemon and Lime’s Nutritional Benefits
These citrus fruits are rich in folate, potassium, vitamin C, B6, flavonoids, phytochemicals and limonene. D-Limonene is a compound known to be anti-carcinogenic and to help promote the production of those particular enzymes that have the ability to detoxify carcinogens.
Health Benefits
Lemons and limes contain excellent anticancer and antioxidant properties. In addition, they also contain a high content of antibiotics that are capable of combating against the bacteria present in the body. The following are just a few of lemon and lime’s numerous health benefits:
  1. Lemon and lime help you combat common cold:
Combine the juice of two lemons or limes with half a liter of warm water. Add raw honey to taste and consume before you go to bed at night. The anti-viral properties found in lemons and limes will help you to effectively fight against common cold symptoms as well as boost your body’s immune response to fight off the infection.
  1. Improve digestion:
The consumption of both lemons and limes can help you relieve indigestion, bloating and foul burping.
  1. Relieve constipation:
Relieve your constipation problems by consuming a mix of lime or lemon, a glass of warm water and a small amount of raw honey to add a better taste to this healthy drink. Consume this drink before breakfast, on an empty stomach, to get an instant relief from constipation. Besides constipation relief, your body will also receive an excellent detox.
  1. Reduce frequency of heartburn:
Reduce frequent heartburns by consuming a mixture of 2 teaspoons of either fresh lemon or lime juice and a glass of warm water.
  1. Combat inflammatory disorders:
Both lemon and lime juice are highly effective in the combat against inflammatory disorders like arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism among others. The consumption of these juices is also associated with a reduced risk of gout, due to lemon and lime’s ability to inhibit the uric acid buildup in the body’s tissues.
  1. Treat asthma:
If you have asthma, you can relieve its symptoms by taking a tablespoon of lemon juice an hour before each meal.
  1. Reduce swollen gums:
To relieve swollen gums, combine some freshly-squeezed lime juice (diluted) with a pinch of sea salt and consume the resulting mixture. Another thing you can try to relieve this issue is to rub a piece of the albedo of a lime or a lemon (the white flesh under the peel) on your gums. Thus you will reduce their swelling.
  1. Relieve sore throat:
Prepare a mixture of warm water and lemon juice (ration 1:1) and gargle with it to obtain an instant relief.
  1. Relieve burning heels and soles:
Take a slice of lemon or lime and rub it onto the affected area (sole, feet, heel) to relieve the pain or burning sensation. By doing this, you will also encourage the process of toxin elimination from the pores of your feet.
  1. Nourish skin:
Lime and lemon peel help to moisture skin. Therefore, by rubbing dry or scaly skin with a piece of lemon or lime peel, you will provide it with its much needed moisture and it will become soft and supple like never before.
  1. Relax your body and help you fall asleep fast:
Soak your feet in a solution of lemon or lime and warm water. Its fresh smell and its cooling and astringent effects will provide you with instant relaxation, making you fall asleep right away.
  1. Relieve cholera:
The regular consumption of a cup of lemon or lime juice will help you destroy the cholera bacilli virus. Drink the same amount of water as well. Lemon and lime’s anti-viral properties are highly effective when it comes to this virus and will help you eliminate it within a short period of time.
Extra Juicing Tips
To get the most of your lemon or lime juice, you should include the entire fruit together with its peel. We all know that the peel is the part where harmful ingredients are usually contained, so prior to juicing you should make sure that the fruit is properly washed. Also, try buying 100% organic fruits in order to avoid the consumption of pesticides and GMO lemons and limes.
Using the whole fruit when preparing your juice will surely provide you with all the health benefits the fruit has to offer. The compound we’ve mentioned above, known as limonene, is very high in the white part of the fruit, just under the peel, so by juicing the entire fruit you will get the most of it.
In addition, you can use lemon and lime juice to make ice cubes and add them to other drinks as well. The ice cubes prepared like this can stay refrigerated up to two weeks and after that period they will start losing their taste and potential benefits.
A useful tip when buying lemons, is to look at their stem ends. The number of lines radiating from the stem shows you how high is their mineral content. The greater this number is, the higher their mineral content.
You should always consume lemon or lime juice in moderation.
If you notice any allergic reactions to some of these fruits, stop consuming them immediately and consult your healthcare provider.

Sunday 24 July 2016


When's the best time to have sex to conceive?

The most effective time to have sex is during your fertile window, which can last up to six days every month. These six days are the five days leading up to, and the day of, ovulation, when your body releases an egg.

 Your egg will survive for about a day once released. But sperm can survive for up to a week. Hence there is a six-day window for sperm to meet an egg.

 You are most likely to conceive if you have sex one or two days before you ovulate. However, it's tricky to pinpoint the exact day or two just before ovulation. So if you don't want your sex life to be ruled by the calendar, your best bet is simply to enjoy sex every two or three days.

 If you want to be more precise, though, you will need to work out when you will ovulate. When you'll ovulate in any given cycle depends on:
the length of your menstrual cycle
how regular your periods are

 A  menstrual cycle can be as short as 22 days or as long as 36 days. On average, a woman gets her period between 12 days and 14 days after she's ovulated.

 If you have a 28-day menstrual cycle, you're likely to ovulate around the middle of your cycle. If you have a short cycle, you could ovulate within days of your period ending. A long cycle could mean that you won't ovulate until two weeks after your period has ended.

 Nearly half of women have a cycle length that varies by more than seven days. If your menstrual cycle is different from one month to the next, your fertile window may also vary by about a week between each period.

 That's why it's best to have sex every two to three days throughout your cycle. It's more effective than focusing your efforts only on the days you think you're about to ovulate. Also, sex every two to three days improves the quality of sperm  compared to daily sex.
How do I know when I'm about to ovulate?
You may be very aware of when you ovulate, or you may not notice any changes at all. If you're thinking about getting pregnant, get in touch with your body. Signs that you are approaching ovulation can start around three weeks before you expect your next period. Try looking out for:

Increased vaginal discharge that's wetter, and like stretchy egg white. This is called fertile mucus.
Slight discomfort on one side of your belly (mittelschmerz).
Feeling more sexy.

 One of the simplest ways of working out your fertile days is to check your cervical mucus every day. Changes to your mucus are one of the easiest things for you to spot.

 To find out more about your fertile window, try our ovulation calculator. And read our article for helpful tips for spotting other signs of ovulation.
Do irregular periods make it harder to get pregnant?
Irregular periods do not necessarily mean that you are less fertile than women with regular periods. However, if your periods are irregular or are more than 36 days apart, it is worth seeing your GP.

 Sometimes, irregular cycles are caused by conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or a thyroid disorder. These conditions could affect your chances of conceiving, so it is better to get help sooner rather than later.

 The more irregular your periods are, the more difficult it can be to work out when you're fertile. So practise looking for changes in fertile mucus by checking daily. Try to have sex when you notice two or more days of wet, slippery mucus. Or you may find it easier to just have regular sex throughout your cycle.

Best Time To Get Pregnant Faster

The best time to get pregnant fast is to have sex or sexual intercourse once a day every day during the 4-5 days before and on the day of ovulation.

There is no single "best day" or best time to get pregnant and to make love if you want to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Studies have shown repeatedly that you can improve your chances of getting pregnant by:
Have sex every day once if his sperm count is fine
Have sex frequently during your fertile day (four days are better than one day)
Have sex  once daily, during the two days prior to the day of ovulation and on the day of ovulation

Calculate the best time to get pregnant and your fertile days HERE

Making love the day after ovulation won't get you pregnant.

To improve your chances of getting pregnant, you need to have sex regularly throughout the menstrual cycle and especially during your fertile days. That requires that you first find out how to calculate your fertile days.

While there is no definitive proof that you always improve your chances of getting pregnant by timing sexual intercourse, it can help if you calculate ovulation and your fertile days by using our fertility calendar, doing BBT fertility charting, and using OPKs, or fertility monitors.

Studies have shown that in women with regular cycles, ovulation can happen on many days of the menstrual cycle and there could be many days not just a single best time to get pregnant. Even in women with a regular cycle, there is a 10% chance of ovulating each day after the menstrual period ends.

Because having sex after ovulation won't get you pregnant, it's generally suggested to have sex regularly two to three times a week, every week. That is your best time to get pregnant to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

In addition, you may still want to make love daily during the four to five "fertile" days prior to and during ovulation (if his sperm count is OK). But if that's all you do, then it won't probably increase your pregnancy chances.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Five Suprising Benefits of Folic Acid

Folic acid is widely known to help prevent birth defects, but it’s not just for pregnant women. Folic Acid, also known as folate or Vitamin B9, has multiple health benefits for women and men of all ages. Folic Acid is found in foods such as leafy greens, pastas, beans and more. According to Men’s Fitness, folic acid helps the body break down, create and use new proteins as well as form new blood cells and create new DNA.

Studies have shown that folic acid may help prevent heart disease, depression, prevent Alzheimer’s disease, type-2 diabetes, and even some forms of cancer.
Heart Health:
How does Folic Acid protect my heart? Folic acid pairs with Vitamin B12 as a coenzyme to help metabolism the amino acids methonine and homocysteine. Without folic acid, homocysteine levels can cause blood to clot more easily than normal and cause cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. Studies have shown folic acid may lower homocysteine levels.
Natural Depression Remedy:
Folic acid supplements have been used to help treat depression and enhance antidepressant drugs. Studies have shown that people who are deficient in folic acid have less response to antidepressant medication. Folic acid is also believed to play a part in mood regulation.
Alzheimer’s Disease:
A recent study of 579 men and women ages 60 and up has shown that folic acid may help ward off Alzheimer’s disease. The study found that participants who regularly consumed the recommended daily allowance of folic acid (400 mcg) through both food and supplements cut their risk of developing Alzheimer’s in half. Folic Acid also may play a key role in preventing overall memory loss associated with old age.
Diabetes Prevention:
Folic Acid may help with the breakdown of triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood that are used for energy. Type-2 diabetes is linked to high levels of triglycerides in the blood. A study by the European Journal of Endocrinology also found when looking at four different groups of women from different geographical locations, those with a BMI of 30 and above also had low levels of folic acid.
Cancer Benefits:
According to The American Cancer Society, low levels of folic acid in the blood have been linked with higher rates of colorectal cancer and some other types of cancer. A large study from 1980 to 1994 found that the women who took more than 400 mcg of folic acid per day were less likely to get colon cancer than those with those who took less than 200 mcg.
Folic acid is necessary to make and repair DNA when creating new cells. Scientists believe that low levels of folic acid may lead to changes in chemicals that affect DNA. This may alter how well cells can repair themselves or divide properly, which may lead to cancer.
Healthy To Go’s Smoothie Complete offers a unique way to get folic acid. Instead of a pill, Smoothie Complete offers an all in one way to get 21 vitamins and minerals, including 400 mcg (100% of your daily value) per scoop.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Best Tips To Ensure Pregnancy Health Both For The Mom And The Baby

Finally, a positive pregnancy test to show that pregnant! tests and battery that you are pregnant, a fact confirmed, gyne - OB doctor is missing.

Pregnancy can be fun to bring the family. However, at the same time, it is possible for women and children, as well as health risks to be necessary. Pregnancy, especially in pregnant women who work hard, even if it is often the life of women is one of the most unforeseen events. This means that there should be a healthy pregnant woman, as well as a special reserve to be necessary.

These are pregnant women, the health of your child's head is used to ensure that manner.

Eat, or even to imagine.

In this case, two lunches during pregnancy, it is not true. sufficient amount of food people eat, but not great courses. According to the study, pregnant women, only 200-300 calories a day. And know you can add it to food calories. Life eating healthy, young, my mother and my mother only inside. Of course, the more calories from snacks.

Additional medical treatment.

Folic acid pregnant mothers, as well as with vitamins and early pregnancy, before pregnancy, the better. What is folic acid? It is, at first in neural tube defects during pregnancy and the risk of children born before the start of a decrease of 400 micrograms in leafy green vegies is always the day, and this is not all that micro-minerals are potentially .

Rzylt forward.

It will last awefully heavy tobacco and alcohol is often cheaper. Re-think his actions through. Can nicotine and alcohol, cigarettes, alcohol, damage to the developing baby. The average cigarette consumption in low birth weight and birth mother, usually children, die-non smokers die before the syndrome are born to parents on children. More caffeine, a substance necessary. Fraps children Espresso is to cook the CI - CI -.

schmasions the above.

Even before the pregnancy, antenatal care is loss. Be sure to know that pregnancy can influence the disease progressed. Rubella or German Measles, and pregnant women as a disease of the samples have to be careful. It can occur during pregnancy may help prepare for any information on blood diseases.

What did you and your children.

Work best for pregnant women and children to help on the right side. However, there are certain conditions, pregnant women, OB gyne prior approval is required for any sport you can do. can be done during pregnancy, which help improve the capacity of muscle is one of the forms. A lot of stretching can help. However, all these efforts, but it was enough to be careful.

Indeed, but it's not a woman who wants a normal pregnancy and healthy life is only to be moved.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Health Benefits of Fish

About Fish
Fish are aquatic vertebrates living in the sea water or fresh water. Most of them have well developed senses of taste, color vision, smell and etc.
Lateral line system found in their body acts as receptors and helps them to detect motion of currents and other nearby objects. They are used as very important, delicious and healthy protein rich food by the people around the world. Around 32,000 species of the fish are found however all of them are not eatable, only few species are eaten by the humans. Specially, fish are found of three types oily, white and shellfish which have their own health benefits.

Benefits of Eating Fish

Fish are very healthy food eaten at many places in the world to get required body nutrients, proteins, vitamins and most importantly omega-3 fatty acids. It is very nutritious food can be eaten by any age group people to be healthy and get prevented from many diseases. Some of the health benefits of the fish are mentioned below:
Benefits of Fish for Cancer
Reduces Risk of Cancer
  • Eating fish on regular basis for one or two times a week reduces the risk of cancer (esophagus, oral cavity, colon, breast) including prostate cancer and ovarian cancer as it contains omega 3 fatty acids. It contains selenium mineral which creates an enzyme to protect from cancers.
Benefits of Fish for Brain and Eye
Maintains Good Eye Sight
  • It contains lots of omega-3 fatty acids which provides better growth and development to the brain tissues, nourishes the retina and maintains the good eye sight.
Reduces Risk of Dementia
  • It reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease among elder people if eaten simple fish or seafood for at least once a week.
Prevents from Depression
  • It lowers down the occurrence of depression among people when eaten fish on regular basis.
Good Source of Vitamin A
  • It helps in maintaining the better eyesight among mothers and babies and prevents from the age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and retina degeneration as it contains retinol (vitamin A form).
Improves Concentration Level
  • It improves the concentration level, promotes good behavior, reading skills and prevents from an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Induces Better Sleep
  • Salmon fish contains a special amino acid called tryptophan acts as a natural sedative agent and induces better sleep thus relaxes mind.
Benefits of Fish for Heart Health
Prevents from Cardiovascular Diseases
  • If it is eaten on regular basis it prevents from the cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure as it reduces blood clots formation in the blood vessels, reduces inflammations, improves blood vessel elasticity, lowers down blood pressure and reduces blood fats and bad cholesterol level.
Rich Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acid
  • Omega-3 fatty acid lowers down the blood triglycerides level and blood pressure thus prevents from clotting, inflammations and abnormal heart rhythms.
Reduces Risk of Hypertension
  • It decreases the growth of atherosclerotic (arterial) plaque on the blood vessels thus reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
Benefits of Fish for Diabetes
Regularizes Blood Sugar Level
  • It helps in regularizing the blood sugar level among diabetic patients thus helps in managing the diabetes conditions and reducing side effects.
Benefits of Fish for Bone
Improves Bone Density and Strength
  • Especially salmon fish has calcitonin protein which maintains the bone health by improving its density and strength and prevents from many bone and joints problems like osteoarthritis.
Relieves Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • It has anti inflammatory properties thus helps in relieving the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, psoriasis including other autoimmune diseases if taken on regular basis.
Source of Vitamin D
  • Vitamin D found in it (tuna and wild salmon) has bone-building and anti-cancer property benefits.
Benefits of Fish during Pregnancy
Prevents Babies from Birth Defects
  • It helps pregnant women by reducing the risk of occurrence of prematurity means eating fish regularly prevents from delivering the premature baby or baby with birth defects.
Prevents Post-Natal Depression
  • It prevents pregnant women from the post-natal depression and Seasonal Affective Disorders (SAD).
Reduces Risk of Vision and Nerves Problems
  • It reduces the risk of vision and nerves problems during pregnancy among both the mother and baby.
Provides Development to Infants
  • It boosts the sensory, cognitive and motor development among infants if eaten by the mother during last trimester of pregnancy.

Benefits of Fish Oil

Rich Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
60 g of Salmon fish contains around 1,200 mg of omega-3 fatty acids whereas Sardines fish (1,500 mg), smoked salmon fish (1,000 mg), canned salmon fish (500 mg), canned tuna fish (145 mg), Gem fish (300 mg), squid fish (250mg), Trout fish (350 mg), calamari fish (200 mg), sea mullet (170 mg), sea perch fish (7 mg) and many more.
Prevents from Ageing and Heart Diseases
Fish oil is especially rich source of the omega-3 fatty acids which has variety of health benefits and prevents from ageing and heart diseases. It cannot be manufactured by our body thus it is very necessary to fulfill its requirement through the special diet. Fish oil protects our heart from the air pollution.
Benefits of Fish for Weight Management
Loaded with Minerals and Vitamins
  • Fish is a low fat and high protein diet loaded with all the minerals and vitamins which balanced the diet thus helps in managing the weight among really weight conscious people.
Benefits of Fish for Skin
Prevents Skin Damage
  • Omega-3 fatty acid found in it protects from the skin problems and prevents from damage and harmful effects of UV sun rays.
Keeps Skin Healthy
  • It also prevents from the skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis and makes the healthy, soft and glowing.
Makes Skin Firm and Flexible
  • Protein found in it is the great source collagen which is a substance making skin firm, strong and flexible.
Benefits of Fish Oil for Digestive System
Protects from Digestive Problems
  • Fish oil protect from the serious ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn’s disease and other digestive problems.
Benefits of Fish for Looking Younger
Rich Source of Antioxidants
  • Astaxanthin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent (carotenoid-class antioxidant) found in the salmon.
Prevents Early Ageing
  • It maintains the cell functions, enhances cellular regeneration, reduces DNA degeneration thus prevents from early ageing.
Other health Benefits of Fish
Reduces Risk of Respiratory Problems
  • Regular consumption of it reduces the risk of various diseases like asthma and other respiratory problems.
Contains High Quality Protein, Vitamins and Minerals
  • Fish is a low-fat, high quality protein, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine and etc), vitamins (A, D, E, B) and etc rich healthy food required to maintains the healthy body.
Maintains Functioning of Thyroid Gland
  • Iodine found in it maintains the functioning of thyroid gland and prevents from the hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
Keeps Lung Stronger and Healthier
  • It helps in protecting from the lungs diseases and keeps lung stronger and healthier.
Nutritional Benefits of Salmon Fish per 100 g
(Source: USDA Nutrient database)
Energy: 142 kcal
Water: 68.50 g
Carbohydrate: 9 g
Dietary fibers: 8.4 g
Sugar: 0.1 g
Protein: 21.62 g
Amino Acids
Alanine: 1.21 g
Arginine: 1.21 g
Cystine: 0.24 g
Glycine: 0.97 g
Histidine: 0.97 g
Proline: 0.70 g
Glutamic acid: 2.85 g
Isoleucine: 0.99 g
Threonine: 1 g
Lysine: 1.82 g
Methionine: 0.66 g
Aspartic acid: 2.12 g
Phenylalanine: 0.80 g
Serine: 0.79 g
Tyrosine: 0.66 g
Total Fat: 5.93 g
Saturated Fat: 1.26 g
Polyunsaturated Fat: 1.992 g
Monounsaturated Fat: 2.134 g
Cholesterol: 45mg
Trans Fat: 0.2 g
Omega-3 Fatty Acid: 2 g
Omega-6 Fatty Acid: 1.3 g
Potassium: 490 mg
Sodium: 44 mg
Vitamin A: 40 IU
Thiamin: 0.12 mg
Riboflavin: 0.05 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.55 mg
Vitamin D: 0.75 microgram
Vitamin E: 2.70 mg
Nicotinic acid: 8.10 mg
Vitamin C: 0.21 mg
Vitamin B12: 4.50 microgram
Calcium: 12 mg
Iron: 0.80 mg
Magnesium: 29 mg
Phosphorus: 200 mg
Zinc: 0.64 mg
Chloride: 100 mg
Copper: 0.2 mg
How to Select and Store
Always buy fish from the nearest reputable markets looking bright with clear eyes as dull-eyed fish may not be safe to eat. Select fish having shined and vibrant skin, smelling fresh like clean water. Avoid buying nasty and pungent smelling fish; they may harmful to the health. Only buy for a day not for more days as it may spoil your health.
It can be stored in the refrigerator by keeping in the airtight container or covering it with cling film. Do not store live fish into airtight container as they need to breathe, it can be placed in a bowl in the coolest place.
How to Enjoy Fish
Fish can be enjoyed in many ways such as fish curry, fried fish, boiled fish, grilled fish, fish pakaude, fish sticks with sauce, fish with chips, fishcake and etc. It tastes very nice and delicious if prepared using right techniques.
Disadvantages, Side Effects and Precautions
Though fish have lots of health benefits, it has various health hazards as well. Eating fish more than the recommended amount on daily basis or weekly lead to the mercury poisoning. Some of the disadvantages, side effects and precautions of the fish are mentioned below to be well conscious before eating more fish:
  • Mercury poisoning can affect nervous system with symptoms of numbness means tingling sensation in fingers, lips, toes, developmental delays among children, muscle pain, joint pain, occurrence of heart attack and many more.
  • Some of the fish (tilapia and catfish) are not good for the heart health as they have high level unhealthy fatty acids.
  • Some of the cooking techniques make it unhealthy for the health such as roasted or baked fish are healthier than deep-fried fish.
  • Inorganically grown fish are more dangerous as they are produced on the farms using variety of antibiotics, pesticides or other chemicals which have harmful effects on the human body when eaten.
  • Pregnant or lactating women must take care while eating fish and do not consume more than 150 g a week.
  • Fish are highly exposed to the environmental pollutant called dioxins which may cause skin lesions, harmful effects on the immune and reproductive systems and etc.
  • Person having heart problems must consult his physician before eating fish.
  • Raw fish have lots of parasites which may cause parasitic infections of gastrointestinal tract so, it should be washed well before cooking.
  • Some people have allergy to the fish thus it should be taken care of.
How much fish should you eat?
Eating fish more than the limit may cause lots of health hazards which have already described in the above part. Eating how much fish on daily basis or weekly depends on the age, sex, weight and health conditions of the person. However, the amount of fish one (healthy person) can eat is 1-2 times (3-4 ounce) a week to get free of the harmful effect of the mercury.