Saturday 18 April 2015

Does Swimming Help to Increase Height?

Swimming is one of the way by which you can increase height. This exercise enables the increase of human growth hormone in the body and promotes growth. Given below are a few effects of swimming on growth and the different swimming styles.

Swimming to Increase Height

It is the most preferred exercise to gain height. It helps in increasing energy level, breathing capacity, spine length and promotes broadening of chest and shoulders. The persons who swim have thin waist, slim body, tall posture and a broad shoulder.

This exercise helps in stretching of muscles throughout the body. Thereby, enabling growth promotion.
Swimming helps in the release of growth hormone within the body. Growth hormone is known to promote height. Lactate and nitric oxide are necessary factors for growth hormone secretion. Before swimming you need to perform 10 minutes of stretching exercise with high intensity. This promotes greater chances for increasing height from swimming.

In order to grow taller you will have to perform swimming at a much earlier age. Kids who have the habit of swimming grow taller when compared to non swimmers.

However, increasing height through swimming does not occur overnight. It requires time to show best results. Therefore, it is necessary to perform it regularly.

One should not take food 2 hours before swimming. You can opt for drinking juices. Consume enough amounts of carbohydrates and proteins in order to replenish the lost energy during swimming.

Swimming Styles that Help you to Grow Tall

Perfect swimming styles with proper stretching of muscles enables growth. Here are a few swimming styles

Breast stroke:

This stroke is performed by kicking legs back and stretching of arms to the front. This stroke helps in increasing spine length. It is also known to lengthen other body parts effectively.

Free style:

This stroke aids in stretching to the maximum. Thereby, increasing flexibility and growth of the body.

Swimming alone will not help you to grow taller, other factors such as proper diet, exercises and enough sleep are also vital.

Swimming has been known as one of the best spine stretching exercises for the time. In fact, some people even consider swimming as one of the stretching exercises to increase height. But, is it true? Does swimming really help to increase height?

Well, until now people are still not certain about the true or false of this as there isn't any scientific evidence to support one or the other argument yet. Now, let's take a look at this swimming thing.

Swimming is a great exercise for the cardiovascular system. It improves the breathing capability, broadens the chest and shoulders, increases energy and helps one to stay fit. It also requires one to utilize his or her hands, legs and all of the body parts thus stretching the spine and whole muscle groups.

From all of the swimming styles, perhaps breaststroke is considered as the best style to stretch the body. This is the reason why people often regard breaststroke as the best swimming style to increase the height.

So, how breaststroke stretch and lengthen the body? Breaststroke is done by kicking the legs backwards while stretching the arms towards the front. This in turn will extend and lengthen most of the body parts particularly the spine.

For teenager, swimming usually will increase his or her height for a few inches since a proper stretching of the spine and whole body will help the proper growth of the body. Moreover, swimming may be one of the great stretching exercises to increase height in spite of so many stretching exercises that can be found on the net. On the contrary, for adult, swimming might help him or her to obtain a little additional height from a fraction of a centimeter to 1 or 2 cm relying on his or her condition.

Remember also to consume sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates before and after swimming as practical to any form of exercises.

At last, besides promotes the proper growth of the body, swimming also helps to prevent backbone deformation, improves posture, boosts energy and makes one healthier. Thus, despite the fact that the potential of height increase by swimming or doing other form of spine stretching exercises is almost none for an adult, it will still benefit him or her.

What Causes Human Growth?

Growth Defined

Physical growth can best be defined as increases in a child's height and weight beginning at birth and continuing throughout adolescence into the teen years. Although children grow at different rates, most teens reach physical maturity by age 15 to 17. Girls typically finish growing sooner than boys. Measures of height and weight are used to assess a child's growth. Sometimes body mass index (BMI) may also be compared to height by dividing the child's weight by his height. BMI in relation to height indicates whether a child is overweight or underweight, or developing within normal ranges.

Growth Rate

As a child grows, her bones grow longer. Cells in the body grow larger and then divide into more cells, producing new cartilage inside the bones. These layers of cartilage eventually form into bone that lengthens the existing bone. Although most babies grow an average of 10 inches in length during their first year of life, by the time they go to school their growth rate slows to only 2 inches each year. Two major growth spurts occur in a child's life. The first is during infancy and then again at the onset of puberty. A youth may grow as many as 4 inches in one year. After a year or two and toward the end of puberty, the growth rate slows again.


Genes play a major role in regulating growth. According to an article published in the November 2008 issue of "Growth, Genetics & Hormones Journal," genes are primarily responsible for determining a child's growth pattern.

Because most children grow to a height similar to that of their parents, how tall a person grows in stature is affected by a number of different genes that contribute to the functions of the endocrine system. The pituitary gland produces and secretes human growth hormone, which affects a child's bone development and height.


Poor nutrition during a child's first two years can slow growth and development, as children who are malnourished fail to thrive. Eating a balanced diet that includes essential vitamins and minerals is needed for proper growth. Depending on a child's age, the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat that children need for healthy growth changes. While the number of grams of protein increases, as a child grows older, the percentage of total daily calories that come from fat should decrease. Carbohydrates consumed basically remain the same throughout childhood, whereas calcium intake needed for strong bones increases significantly after age 4.


Human growth hormone has a significant role in the development of the skeletal bones and tissue. The hormone also has an effect on the body's muscle and fat cells. However, there are several other hormones that contribute to growth. Somatotropins, proteins secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, play a part in DNA synthesis along with contributing to cartilage and collagen formation. Insulin, thyroid hormones, estrogens and glycocorticoids are other hormones that are necessary for children to grow normally by regulating the production of growth hormone.

What Causes Growth Problems?

The cause of a growth problem depends on the type of growth disorder in question. Some growth problems are genetic, while others may be caused by hormonal disorders or poor absorption of food. Causes for growth problems usually fall into the following categories: 

Familial short stature. 

Familial short stature is a tendency to follow the family's inherited short stature (shortness).

Constitutional growth delay with delayed adolescence or delayed maturation.
A child who tends to be shorter than average and who enters puberty later than average, but is growing at a normal rate. Most of these children tend to eventually grow to approximately the same height as their parents.

Illnesses that affect the whole body (Also called systemic diseases.)


Constant malnutrition prevents children from attaining their full growth potential; a well-balanced diet generally prevents or corrects this disorder. Malnutrition is the most common cause of growth failure around the world.

Digestive tract diseases.

Kidney disease.

Heart disease.

Lung disease.


Severe stress 

Endocrine (hormone) diseases

Lack of thyroid hormones.

Adequate production of the thyroid hormone is necessary for normal bone growth.

Cushing's syndrome.

Cushing's syndrome can be caused by a myriad of abnormalities that are the result of hypersecretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal gland.

Growth hormone deficiency.

In this growth disorder, there is a problem with the pituitary gland (small gland at the base of the brain) that secretes several hormones, including growth hormone.

Congenital (present at birth) problems in the tissues where growth occurs.

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)

With this condition, slow growth within the uterus occurs during a pregnancy. The baby is born smaller in weight and length than normal, in proportion to his/her short stature.

Chromosome abnormalities

Having too many or too few chromosomes can result in health problems, including problems with growth. One chromosome abnormality that results from too few chromosomes is the following:

Turner syndrome.

Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder seen in girls that causes them to be shorter than others and to not mature sexually as they grow into adulthood. The severity of these problems varies among affected individuals. Other health problems may also be present involving the heart or renal system (kidneys, etc.) Many conditions can be managed or corrected by medical treatment. Turner syndrome occurs in one in 2,500 females born. The features of Turner syndrome result from having a missing X chromosome in each of the body's cells. 

Skeletal abnormalities (bone diseases or skeletal dysplasias).

There are more than 50 bone diseases that affect height and growth, many of which are genetic. The most common is achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism in which the child's arms and legs are short in proportion to his/her body length. Further, the head is often large and the trunk is normal size.

Tall stature.

Unusual tallness in girls.

Some girls may grow unusually tall for their age if their parents are tall.

Precocious puberty.

This growth disorder is characterized by an early onset of adolescence in which a child is tall for his/her age initially, but, due to rapid bone maturity, growth stops at an early age and they may be short as adults.

Genetic conditions.

There are a few genetic conditions which result in tall stature, where other health problems are also present.


There are several growth disorders that are idiopathic - with no known cause for the growth problem.

What are the symptoms of growth problems?

 Some growth problems may be immediately diagnosed at birth, because the infant may be abnormally small for his/her age. However, many growth problems are noticed much later, when the child appears smaller than his/her classmates, or when growth appears to be insignificant over a period of a year. The primary symptom that may indicate a growth problem is when a child grows less than two inches a year after his/her second birthday. Symptoms of growth problems may resemble other problems or medical conditions. Always consult your child's physician for a diagnosis.
How is a growth problem diagnosed?

Diagnosis of a growth problem must be made by your child's physician. The method used for diagnosis will depend on the type of growth disorder presented. In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, diagnostic tests may include:
Observing the child's health and growth over a period of time.
Blood tests (to rule out hormone, chromosomal, or other disorders associated with growth failure).
Bone x-rays - electromagnetic energy used to produce images of bones and internal organs onto film (to determine maturity and growth potential of bones).
Examining the functions of the pituitary gland, which produces and secretes the growth hormone.
Treatment for growth problems:

Specific treatment for growth problems will be determined by your child's physician based on: 
Your child's age, overall health, and medical history.

Extent of the condition.

Your child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies.

Expectations for the course of the condition.

Your opinion or preference.
Treatment of growth problems will depend on the type of growth disorder presented. If a medical condition causes the growth problem, treatment of that condition may alleviate the growth problem.

List Of Natural Foods That Increase Height Naturally

List of natural foods that increase height naturally. Grow 2-6 inches taller naturally!!!!!

In this hub, you are going to learn about the list of natural foods that help you grow taller and increase your height naturally. Though body height is determined genetically, growth is also controlled by external factors and nutrition is one of them. Proteins are the building blocks of your body and helps us grow taller by building various tissues in our body, especially our bones and cartilages. An individual can increase his/her height by consuming a diet that is rich in protein.

While taking protein-rich foods, you should also be careful in avoiding foods that are rich in carbohydrates and fat. These foods will impede the protein metabolism which is essential for growth. By takine these protein rich foods, you add a few more inches to your body height

Below is the list of foods, which can help you grow taller naturally

1. Milk: Milk is the universal food for building body. It contains protein in abundance, which are the building blocks of our body cells. Milk is a easy digestable food and enables maximum assimilation of proteins. Take 2-3 glasses of Milk each day

2. Eggs: Eggs are a wonderful natural source of protein. The White albumen in eggs contain 100% protein, but you should not take the yolk since it contains fat .To increase your height, take 3-6 eggs daily. For better results, take 2 eggs along with each meal

3. Chicken: Chicken is one of highest protein-content meat food among animal foods. It provides greater protein to the body for building tissues and muscles. Take atleast 100 gms of chicken each day

4. Beef: Like Chicken, Beef is another important source of protein. Take 100 gms of Beef daily

5. SoyBeans: SoyBean has the greatest protein content among vegetarian plant foods. It contains pure protein which improves bone and tissue mass. Make sure that you take 50 gms of Soybeans each day

6. Oatmeals: Like SoyBeans, Oatmeal is another wonderful source of plant protein. In fact, it increases muscle mass and decreases fat. Take 50 gms of Oatmeal for breakfast every day

7. Skimmed Milk: Skimmed Milk contains 100% protein and is free from fat. A daily consumption of 50 gm of Skimmed Milk after exercise or physical sports will provide adequate protein for your body

8. Coral Calcium: Coral calcium is a natural source of Calcium obtained from sea corals. Coral calcium helps to increase bone mass and thereby helping your bones to grow in length. The younger you are, greater are the results of increasing bone mass through Coral calcium

Apart from protein foods, your body needs HGH(Human Growth hormone) that is essential for the growth of the long bones of your body. HGH is secreted in your body by the pituitary gland and it helps in the growth of bones and cartilages in your body. Through HGH is naturally produced inside your body, you need ample Growth Hormone to ensure maximum growth of your body. Artificial HGH can be obtained through Pills and Sprays and these augment the growth of your body.

The best and most effective HGH enhancer is the amino acid Arginine, which is available in its pure form as L-Arginine. L-Arginine stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone and thereby increase your height. L-Arginine works well when combined with L-Ornithine, which is an other amino acid. L-Arginine also works well with L-Lysine and L-Glutamine. Arginine/L-Arginine supplements are available in Pills and the popular brands are Growth Enhancer, Growth Flex, Growth Booster etc

To know more about HGH(Human Growth hormone)

The ultimate HGH amino acid supplement that will release Growth hormone fast and help you grow taller!!!!
The ultimate HGH amino acid supplement that will release Growth hormone fast and help you grow talle
Which is the best food supplement to increase your height naturally? The ultimate HGH amino acid supplement that will release Growth hormone fast and help you grow taller!!!! Amino acids ( building...
Grow taller by 3 to 6 inches after Puberty!!!!! 5 Simple exercises that will increase your height naturally at any age.

Grow taller by 3 to 6 inches after Puberty!!!!! 5 Simple exercises that will increase your height na
Grow taller by 3 to 6 inches after Puberty!!!!! 5 Simple exercises that will increase your height naturally at any age. I guarantee!!!! If you have a desire to grow tall and add a few inches to your

Friday 17 April 2015

Best Foods For Gain Height

Solid nutrition is about all you can do food wise. Opinions differ on what "solid nutrition" is..but google John Berardi's articles on the subject, and consider purchasing some of his books, or Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle." 

Some quick rules, if you're lazy:

* eat 5-6 times a day
* get lean protein and vegetables/fruit at every feeding
* get around 30% of your calories come from fat, split roughly evenly among satured, monounsatured and polyunsatured
* drink lots of water
* aim for 90% good eating, this means cheating very occasionally
* eat starchy carbs only in the post-workout window (the next 1-2 meals after heavy exercise)
* get proper nutrition around strenuous physical activity
* get enough sleep!

All of that should help to maximize your nutritional effort, the rest is, as they say, genetics. Best wishes.Best foods for gain height

How To Get Taller Naturally

How to get taller naturally?  I was asking this question to everybody, every doctor, and every website, I still remember how desperate I was.
BTW, I am Steve and till the age of 28, my height was 5 feet 3 inches.
I used to feel very inferior powerless. I was very frustrated and was searching for the secret to how to grow taller naturally, at that time I thought that popping pills or those foot massagers are the answer.
Remember those acupressure insoles which have those pointed things inside them.

From far away promises like affecting pituitary gland to release growth hormone really looked impressive but after trying them for months all I was left with painful blisters on my feet and absolutely no height gain.

Can you believe that?

Well I did.

Nothing seemed to work for me I was the same short heighted person. Practically I almost gave up an year back. I was just about to accept my life and height as a looser. But something inside me knew that there must be an answer to this problem.

But I could not find it. Whenever I was out, my colleagues and friends made fun of me, and sometime they did in front of me.
My friends dominated me, they used to call me by nicknames, I am terrified to even think about that time.
Finally I found the answer to How to get taller naturally Here

Finally one day I stumbled upon the secret, something inside me said that it is something different than everything else out there. I was so excited I can’t tell you, I was ready to implement the secret that very second, and I am glad did!
I did follow every bit of How to get taller fast Program, because I felt that this is the last chance god has given me, on the other hand I had nothing to lose. I followed it in very detail.
I measured after 2 weeks, and to my surprise I had grown 1/2 inch. I was so charged up I could have lifted 500 lb barbell with one hand tied behind (just kidding). At that very moment I understood that this was something for real and I have to follow it for full 8 weeks.
I didn’t measure till full 8 weeks were over, though everybody including my best friend was commenting about my height.

After full 8 weeks of following the program in very detail, I measured myself and I had tears in my eyes. Yes tears! I felt like a child, for the very first time I felt that god loves me! I had grown 3 inches.
I am now 5 feet 6 inches tall and continuously following the program, I know for most people 5 feet 6 inch is not tall at all but for me it is.

Imagine if you are 5 feet 7 inches tall than how adding 3 inches to your height will affect your life?
Will it bring a perfect relationship, confidence, satisfaction or anything else?
For me happiness of that moment is something that I can’t explain, how much change now I feel in my life.

My life after discovering the answer

Discovering the answer to this single question: How to get taller naturally has changed my life already. I feel like a winner, I am more confident and can face anything but the most important thing is.
I am much HAPPIER! I understand that I can never ever become 6 feet tall. But I am okay with it, and the change I have experienced has already made me a better and a stronger person.
Imagine how it will feel to add 3 inches or even 4 inches to your height, how confident you will feel.

How To Gain Height In Two Weeks

How To get taller in 2 weeks? This is the question a lot of people are asking and there is no simple answer to this but by followig these steps outlined here you can gain height fast. Read on to find out how you can grow taller and gain height.

How To Gain Height In Two Weeks By Sleeping Properly
Sleep properly.

A lack of proper sleep is the number one reason people do not grow properly. It is bad enough not eating or exercising properly but consider this..

If you exercise really hard eat properly then stay up watching TV to 1AM how is your body going to grow. In fact you will slow your growth down further as your body is unable to recover and rest properly!

how to gain height in two weeks by eating properly

Eat Well!

This does not mean eating donuts and Fast food! Eating a diet full of votamis , proteins and mineral will put you on the road to growth and if you start this today you will find out the answer to how to get taller in two weeks.

Start off by eating plenty of lean meat, unprocessed meat, fish, drinking low fat milk and eating eggs. Cut out coffee, tea drinks and foods that contain plenty of sugar and drink plenty of water to help your body break down the foods you consume and  get rid of the junk you do not need.

Food is what feeds the furnace your body needs to grow but what is the point of eating all this food if it is not going anywhere? The answer is to use this food to show you how to get taller in two weeks  through exercise. Not any old exercise though.

How To Gain Height In Two Weeks With Exercise
Taking time to exercise every day is very important. If you have access to a swimming pool or can afford to go swimming every day this is what you need to do.

this by itself is not enough though and there are other exercises you can use to increase your growth and your height to what you want to achieve.

There are plenty of stretching and cardio exercises you can use as well to help you to grow and gain height quickly. There is no need to go out and spend hundred of dollars on pills that do not work when you can get the same results through exercise.

There are some programs that show you how to get taller in two weeks by doing the right exercise and eating the right food. The sleep part is up to you and by doing this you can be sure to get the maximum from your height that is possible .

How To Become Taller Quickly

If you're still growing you are lucky and you're in a position to take action to boost your height and are able to cope with the difficulties with their height, but it really changes when it comes to adults and different methods need to be used.

If you're an adult that you are problaby wondering if you are able to grow taller. The straightforward answer is yes you'll be able to, but undoubtedly it's going to take a bit additional effort for this to happen and you will not gain as much height as you could if you were still going but there are some tricks you can use. The fact is though if you are an adult you will not really keep on growing. By taking the right course of action you may be able to extract the maximum from the height you have and along with othet techniques can ppear up to six inches or more taller..Find out how

Quick tips to grow taller and not sideways!

#1 Eat balanced and regular meals.

#2 Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

#3 Get plenty of exercise. Cardio such as cycling and swimming.

#4 Lack of sleep can prevent proper growth. Get 8 hours of sleep EVERY night.

#5 Get plenty of calcium in your diet. Drinking milk may help you to become taller.

#6 Hanging onto a pull up bar in a gym or stretching will help to increase height

Remember. If you do not take action you will not gain an inch.

How Can you become taller?

There may be means for adults to grow taller. The most likely and the easiest of which is normally to make sure you get adequate vitamins, minerals and especially calcium. You need get adequate sleep and physical physical exercise at the exact same time. Also there is definitely a way for you to add to the level of HGH or Human Growth Hormone  so that it is possible to add inches to height, naturally.

To improve HGH with this approach, you must practice special workouts, though undertaking normal exercises and stretching moves can do the exact same trick. The secret is typically to train with high intensity routines. Physical workout that makes your body produce this hgh is what you need to perform to boost height and this ought to become carried out each day.

Can Adults Become Taller?

The great news is that adults can become taller naturally even if they have stopped growing for numerous years. This approach is also advisable for teenagers so they are in a position to grow up and turn out to be taller adults too. No matter what you age is, adult or teenager, it truly is possible to add inches to your height so you'll be capable to become taller.

So can adults get taller?

Yes they may be in a position to, as long as they use the correct techniques and the perfect methods to do so. Just remember that this procedure is not an overnight method. It takes preparation and dedication and a lot much more than days to weeks to see results. So don't appear for an overnight miracle but you'll see results and find out how to become taller.

Even if your growth plates have closed, by making the most of the height you have you can gain another few inches. Try it and see . You will extract every inch from the height you have. If you have a bad back or a poor posture this can work wonders for you.

Best Exercise To Lose Weight: Kettlebell Exercises

My first introduction to kettlebells came when my husband brought one home about 6 years ago. At the time we had our own personal training and fitness boot camp facility. It was a boutique fitness center. On a monthly basis we probably had around 100 clients that we provided personalized fitness and nutrition training and advice to. We were always looking to show our clients the best and most innovative exercises to lose weight, so my husband was pretty excited about what kettlebell training could do for them.

Kettlebells range in weight. Find the size that is right for you.
A great resource for all things kettlebell is This company was founded by Pavel Tsatsouline, the master Russian Kettlebell Instructor who led the introduction of the kettlebell to the U.S. You can also find a list of kettlebell instructors in your area on this web site.

What is a Kettlebell?

For those of you unfamiliar with kettlebells, let me give you a brief introduction to them. Although kettlebells have been used in Russia for centuries, they were only recently introduced to the United States around 10 years ago (circa 2000).

Called a girya in Russian, the kettlebell is made out of cast iron and looks like a cannonball with a handle. A traditional Russian kettlebell weighs 1 pood, which is around 35 pounds or 16 kilograms. Commercially, kettlebells range in weight from 4 pounds (my baby boy has one of these) to weights upwards of 100 pounds.

A kettlebell workout can be more effective than a dumbbell work out. The kettlebell’s center of mass hangs below its handle, making it more difficult to control. By its very nature the kettlebell causes the user to have to stabilize and balance the weight, thereby engaging multiple muscle groups in every exercise. From your arm to your core, your entire body has to work much harder to control the kettlebell than you would with a dumbbell. Because of its versatility, users can seamlessly transition from one exercise to the next without stopping to change weights. This makes your work outs shorter and more efficient. In addition, a kettlebell workout will increase your heart rate and so it is a combination of cardio and weight training in one workout session. Your body is going to burn more calories with kettlebell exercises and that’s why I think it is the best exercise to lose weight.

One thing to note is that while kettlebell exercises are very beneficial, technique is very important. One can easily get injured using a kettlebell incorrectly. I recommend finding an instructor to help you get started with the basics and then either continue working with them or find some great kettlebell exercises videos.

"In-the-know Americans are purchasing ancient Russian fitness equipment, resurrecting old exercise philosophies and obtaining significant gains in cardio conditioning, muscle tone and strength as a result..."
—Marty Gallager,, Feb, 2003.

What size kettlebell should I start with?
My first kettlebell was a 25-pound kettlebell. Keep in mind that I was in great physical condition at the time. I worked out several times a day and had a lot of experience using weights. For the beginner woman, I suggest starting with a 10-pound weight until you get your technique down then graduate to heavier weight. For the guys just starting out, I suggest starting out with a 16- or 18-pound kettlebell and working your way up.

Simple Kettlebell Workout

So this is what you're going to do for this simple kettlebell workout. Watch the videos below to see the basic technique for the kettlebell swing, kettlebell snatch, overhead press and the turkish get-up. These videos are from Jason C. Brown of Kettlebell Athletics. You can see more of his videos at Then you are going to follow the work out below:

10 double-handed kettlebell swings
10 right-handed kettlebell swings
10 left-handed kettlebell swings
10 right side kettlebell snatches
10 left side kettlebell snatches
10 right side snatch and press (combo snatch with overhead press)
10 left side snatch and press
6 turkish get ups (3 on right, 3 on left)
Beginners - repeat twice
Advanced - repeat three to four times

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Snacth

Kettlebell Overhead Press

Turkish Get-Up