Monday 28 November 2016

Food Combination Of Fruits For Better Digestion

The greatest benefits from foods and the most efficient digestion come from simple meals with minimal food combinations. Thus, the first principle of Food Combining is simplicity and compatibility in meal planning.

Fruits digest best when eaten by themselves as an entire meal. In general, fruits should not be eaten with other foods. If they are, they will be detained in the stomach causing them to begin formation.

Alcohol, coffee, tea, vinegar, condiments retard digestion considerably.

Acid Fruits & nuts - Cheeses are ok because the high fat content of nuts & cheeses acts like a separate meal from the Acid frutis by digesting more slowly.

Acid fruits delay the digestion of sweet fruits.

Tomatoes - May be combined with Low Starch vegetables and either avocados or nuts, and not with starches or proteins.

Sugar & Protein - Fruit & other sugars inhibit gastric juice delaying protein digestion

Melons - Because they decompose even faster than the other fruits. It is advised to eat melons separately from other fuits.

Avocados combine BEST with non starchy vegetables. FAIR with acid fruits & starches. Avocados do not combine well with sweet fruits or proteins.


The evergreen shrub known as Jointfir, or Mormon Tea plant is native to the south-western US. As the Mormons are not allowed to drink coffee because it is a stimulant (containing, as it does, caffeine) the twigs of this plant are used to make a tisane or tea, hence the name. The plant does not have leaves as such but has spiky green twigs, which resemble a fir tree’s needles (for example those of the European silver fir).
  The flowers are reminiscent of those of the Greek mountain tea plant, and these bloom in April through to the end of June. The fruit is a smooth brown nutlet which can be cooked although it tastes bitter, and it may be roasted and ground to make flour for using in making bread.
  This plant is in the Ephedraceae family, making it a close relative of the Sea grape,Ephedra distachya. Because it is in the Ephedra genus, it was supposed that it has the same properties as other plants in that genus; but it seems that this is not the case. This plant contains no, or very few, Ephedra alkaloids, according to the European Food Standards Agency’s (EFSA) report of 2009. That being the case, most of what has been written about the plants’ psychoactive properties online is probably not true.
  Mormon tea is made by taking the twigs of the plant and infusing them to make a tea or tisane. Both the fresh and dried twigs can be used, and for drying purposes the green twigs can be harvested at any time of the year.
  Traditionally the tea was made by Native Americans who used it medicinally as a blood purifier, diuretic and to lower the temperature of the body during fevers. It was also used as a general tonic and for kidney, urinary-genital problems and STDs.
  The plant does not contain ephedrine, or at least, not much, so all the literature regarding this compound does not apply to this particular member of the Ephedra genus.            
  The fruit from the plant can be eaten raw, although it is a little bland, but sweet, and the twigs can be chewed to treat the symptoms of asthma, but not the root cause. It makes respiratory problems easier, but does not cure them.
  There are rarely any side effects if you drink Mormon tea in moderation, although you may experience some if it is drunk to excess.
  The plant does contain the compounds, kynusenates, which have antimicrobial properties, and it is a very effective diuretic and because of this property, it can contribute to weight loss.

Friday 11 November 2016

Health Benefits of Quail Eggs

Some of the most important health benefits of quail eggs include their ability to improve vision, boost energy levels, stimulate growth and repair, improve the metabolism, reduce blood pressure, soothe allergies, cleanse the body, and prevent chronic diseases.

Quail Eggs

As the name implies, quail eggs are the eggs laid by various species of quail, which are in the orderGalliformes.  Quail are mid-sized birds found through Europe, North Africa, the southern United States and parts of Asia. Quail eggs are notably smaller than duck and chicken eggs, and are widely consumed and sold as novelty foods around the world. They are popular in Japanese bento boxes, and are typically eaten 3-5 at a time, due to their small size. Aside from being considered “cute” in many cultures, they are also packed with nutrients that make them a delicious and healthy option to add to your daily or weekly diet.
Despite the prevalence of quail in the United States, consumption of quail eggs is dominated by the Asian market, where they are commonly hawked as inexpensive street food, but the rich, flavorful yolk has increased the demand for these eggs in many different culinary areas. They have a higher yolk-to-white ratio than normal eggs, which can make them potentially dangerous for people with elevated cholesterol, but generally, quail eggs are considered very healthy. That being said, let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits of quail eggs.

Health Benefits of Quail Eggs

Improve Vision: There is an impressively high level of vitamin A found in quail eggs, which means that it helps to protect our vision and eye health. The antioxidant activity of vitamin A can help to reduce macular degeneration and prevent the development of cataracts, helping you see better for longer!
Balance Cholesterol: There are a good amount of beneficial fatty acids found in quail eggs that many people enjoy due to their heart-boosting effects. HDL cholesterol is the “good” form of cholesterol that our body needs to offset the negative effects of LDL cholesterol, and HDL makes up more than 60% of the fat in quail eggs. However, for people with pre-existing cholesterol problems, adding large quantities of these eggs to your diet might not be the best choice, as there is roughly 1.6 grams of saturated fat in each serving.
Stimulate Growth: Just like with regular chicken eggs, quail eggs provide a solid boost of protein to the diet, which we need for countless processes in our body. Proteins are broken down into their constituent components and reformed for new cells, tissue, muscle, bone, and blood vessels. The protein punch of these eggs can ensure healthy and normal growth/repair.
Reduce Blood Pressure: There are a number of essential minerals found in quail eggs, and potassium happens to be one of them. Although the cardio-protective effects of quail eggs is still under heavy research, the presence of potassium means blood pressure-reducing abilities, as this mineral acts as a vasodilator, relieving strain and stress on the arteries and blood vessels. There is also FAR more potassium in quail eggs than in normal chicken eggs.
Cleanse the Body: Detoxifying the body is important, particularly in a world filled with toxins, pollutants, and heavy metals. Studies have shown that adding these eggs to your diet can help eliminate toxins from the blood stream, as help to reduce the size of bladder stones and kidney stones.
Prevent Chronic Disease: Antioxidants are crucial components of human health, as we are constantly battling free radicals that cause chronic disease and cancer. Quail eggs possess significant levels of vitamin C and vitamin A, which can help to neutralize those free radicals and protect your overall health.
Soothe Allergies: Quail eggs are naturally high in ovomucoid protein, which acts in the body as a natural anti-allergenic. Therefore, if you are suffering from congestion, inflammation, or other symptoms of allergic reactions, quail eggs can get your body back to normal.
Increase Metabolism: The range of B-family vitamins that are found in quail eggs result in boosted metabolic activity throughout the boxy, including hormonal and enzymatic function. By ensuring smooth bodily processes and organ functions, quail eggs can be far more than a delicious treat!
Raise Energy Levels: The long list of minerals and micronutrients found in these tiny eggs, as well as the protein boost of nearly 6 grams per serving, makes these eggs particularly good for an early morning surge of energy and mood. A high-protein, nutrient-dense breakfast is highly recommended for those who often feel dependent on caffeine or other stimulants to regulate their energy levels.
A Final Word of Warning: As mentioned, there is a moderate amount of saturated fat in these eggs, so any consumption should be made in moderation, and any major alterations to your diet should be approved by a trained medical professional. Aside from that, crack open a quail egg and enjoy!

Friday 4 November 2016

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Many women want to know to look for the signs if you suspect you are pregnant. There are many signs that respect a woman should do if you suspect that she might be pregnant. If you do not plan to become pregnant, and experiencing these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Early signs of pregnancy include fatigue, increased hunger. Fatigue occurs because of changes in hormone levels and chemicals that the body feels. A woman may feel weak, no reason. Or, if you honestly feel the feeling, narcolepsy, and the need to sleep more than usual. You will find that your appetite increases. It may seem that we have cut to food. When a woman gives these impulses at first, it is normal. But if it requires an increase, it may be a sign that she should visit a doctor, especially if pregnancy is suspected.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The next character, which usually makes a woman more confident that you are pregnant, there is nausea. All women nausea during pregnancy. However, the big mistake that only experienced morning sickness. This process is known as morning sickness. Although many women actually get sick in the morning, a pregnant nausea, at any time to experience. If a woman suspects that she may be pregnant, and if you are nausea and vomiting, then you need an immediate confirmation of pregnancy.

Women also have water retention, light menstrual spotting and stopping of the menstrual cycle when she is pregnant. Some women stop menstruation mother now, if they are pregnant. Some women spot for a month or two, but not outside of the bleeding. If a woman feels that she may be pregnant, and it feels heavy bleeding or discolored spots, so it should go to the emergency room immediately.

Early signs of pregnancy can be unsettling for those experiencing pregnancy for the first time, however, they can discuss these symptoms with your doctor. If these symptoms are unpleasant, that is, products that are available without a prescription and shop for health and nutrition, which can alleviate the symptoms of pregnancy are. Many women find that certain nutritional supplements, herbs and foods that they can, the early signs of pregnancy that come to change everything that was expected.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Diabetes project for pregnant women

The American Diabetes Association statistics suggest that about four percent of pregnant women experience gestational diabetes. GDM occurs when pregnant women have never had high blood sugar diabetes during pregnancy, especially lately. Plans for about 135 000 cases of pregnant women with gestational diabetes for installation in the United States each year.Women who develop gestational diabetes are likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Pregnancy is caused by failure by the parent in the system that produced insulin in the body naturally. associated with pregnancy, the hormones they produce, they are resistant to insulin. These are the conditions for pregnant women develop high blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia.It is normal for women with diabetes during pregnancy for treatment even during pregnancy.congenital malformations associated with pregnancy, diabetes mellitus or pregnancy are not normal. Therefore, it can not be a big concern for children in this situation. The problem, however, may come a time when the task allowed to go untreated. Have excessive blood sugar, which means that the unborn child more than his share, or get fat and energy. This condition can lead to Makrosomiya or big kid.No matter how many people believe that fat is a sign of a healthy child, a child who weighs more than normally needed when it comes to birth. This can be very large to pass through the birth canal of the mother. The situation will almost always deliver a predetermined section. In addition, overweight children often have trouble breathing and finally, if they are still obese, type 2 diabetes alone.It's better when treatment is available gestational diabetes. Doctors recommend regular doses of insulin to restore her mother's blood sugar to normal levels. Women who want to avoid pregnancy, gestational diabetes, physical preparation. Physical therapy includes regular exercise, weight loss, and take a balanced diet. Women planning pregnancy should find also good glycemic index. The glycemic index helps people discover which foods to avoid to prevent diabetes or diabetic patients to help contain the disease.Pregnant women should and should follow the doctor for exercise and diet, particularly consumption of carbohydrates. Before pregnancy, women should always consult their doctor about their weight problems and ways to prevent diabetes. Professional counseling is important for women to prevent complications during pregnancy.A pregnant woman who was diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy, her baby has a low risk of developing type 2 diabetes. GDM can be easily handled and not great. Pregnant women have access to a range of care their condition. What you should do is follow that doctors say.

Sunday 4 September 2016

Top 5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Very early pregnancy symptoms, then no doubt there are signs that very early on that you are pregnant. The fertilized egg is implanted in about seven days after his arrest. Implantation of the first symptoms of pregnancy, begin to appear. Changes in hormone levels and the body begins to react to the new hormone levels.

The initial concerns about the pregnancy is completely overshadowed by the most unpleasant symptom known as morning sickness.

"This morning," This term may be misleading, because the symptoms often continue throughout the day. Nausea during pregnancy can begin before you know you are pregnant almost immediately after conception has occurred. Maybe the reports to you.

These are early signs of pregnancy can be very painful, especially if you are still reeling from the discovery that you are pregnant. If there are mixed feelings about the pregnancy and the possible end point, it is very painful as the disease carries a constant reminder of the reality of the pregnancy.

In the early morning sickness can be very violent. It happens to go to bed wondering why I do not know anyone to wake up, that he was hit by a bus. All sorts of symptoms, physical and spiritual, can happen early in pregnancy, and explains, "morning sickness", a generic name. The following list describes the experiences of women in the report:


Fatigue Fatigue / tiredness in pregnancy may be worse than the night after the birth. The women want to sleep more often than usual, and even sleep with only a slight effect on fatigue and sleepiness. Not often the whole day in bed and you feel tired! This may be completed in the first week of the pregnancy, it does not seem infinite. Start to worry about how to deal with the child, if you can not cope with fatigue, fortunately, this objection is raised, the development of the pregnancy.


Nausea and vomiting, fatigue, systemic diseases, some women may experience the most debilitating pregnancy. This can affect every aspect of their lives that this is not the practice of everyday life almost impossible. Despite the fact that the debilitating effects only in extreme cases can lead to vomiting, surgery or treatment. Indeed can be done to stop vomiting during pregnancy, and most women just try to survive and adapt their lives as possible, hoping the symptoms go away quickly.

Strange taste will be "a" or hunger. Many women have reported a metallic taste in the mouth. Women's Classic refuse certain foods or develop problems with certain foods. This can be a good adaptive reasons for women's "Crave" certain foods, perhaps, their bodies, to determine nutritional needs. In practice, however, often point to, that seems unlikely. In extreme cases, non-food, coal is the object of desire, which would be difficult to explain, under physiological conditions.


Headache, aches and pains.

Tears, anger bursts, anxiety. But when these feelings can be confusing for parents-to-be, especially for pregnant and wanted to plan.

Do not forget to take care of themselves, even before pregnancy. Do not drink, and stop smoking. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Five of these early signs of pregnancy are trying to figure out how to make, because only the proper knowledge can ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Child birth labour

Nine months of weird cravings, swollen breasts, squished lungs and no waistline leads up to the inevitable climatic point of pregnancy; labour. There are many rumours, myths and old wives tales that might make you feel unsettled, unprepared and downright terrified of this time-honoured rite of passage to motherhood.

Knowing what happens during labour and delivery can help relieve any fear or anxiety. Huggies has collected the following information, hints and tips to help prepare you for what is probably the most momentous event in your life.


Your big day is looming and it’s most likely going to be a roller coaster ride – scary and exciting all at the same time. One of the best ways you can ensure your labour is successful is proper preparation. You need to decide on several things in regard to your labour, including whether you will have a home birth or a birth in a hospital. Many hospitals give you a choice of going into a labour ward or a birthing centre. Birthing centres are usually for ‘natural’ births requiring no intervention and where the mother doesn’t want an epidural. Some have baths for water births.
If you do have a home birth, you will need to arrange a midwife. You may go into labour before or after your due date so it’s a good idea to start preparing a few weeks before your due date. You should get a hospital bag ready; this bag should be prepped way ahead of time. Some hospitals are a little pedantic about what you are and aren’t allowed into the hospital so it might be a good idea to check beforehand.

You should also ensure you have a car seat fitted for your little one’s journey home as well as nappies and baby clothes so your tot is comfortable and warm. It is a great idea to do a labour test run, where you get everything together and make a trip to the hospital. Many women are unsure about when labour actually starts, there are a couple of warning signs that signal the imminent onset of labour, but these signs can differ between women. Check out these signs and indicators in the signs of labour page so you are aware of what to look for. You should also understand that there are some different indicators for a premature birth, all these signs and symptoms are covered in Premature Birth: Signs and treatment of pre-term labour.
Labour can last a long time, and if you are relaxed about it, you should try to stay at home for as long as possible. If your contractions are arriving with 5 minutes intervals or less, if your water breaks, or you are bleeding, then it is a good time to make your way to the hospital. You should also have a reliable birth partner available to help you through the labour process. Here are the qualities and responsibilities that you should look for in a birth partner.


There are three distinct stages of labour, all with their own unique qualities and characteristics. Your first stage of labour is characterised by dilation of your cervix brought on by contractions. Your contractions will change from a dull cramp feeling into rhythmically occurring pain that comes at regular intervals. Due to this your cervix will become softer and more stretchy during its preparation for the baby. You should try to relax as much as possible and settle into a position that is comfortable for you. You should also go to the bathroom as often as possible to make sure your bladder is empty.
The second stage of labour is when your cervix is fully dilated, you push your baby down the birth canal and this stage ends with the birth. It helps to get into an upright position so that gravity can help the birth process. Don’t forget to breathe either! If you have had an epidural and can’t feel much, you need to listen carefully for instructions from your doctor or midwife.
Did you know that you are still in labour even after your baby is born? This is known as the third stage of labour. Your contractions might stop for a bit, giving you some false hope, but will start up again so that the placenta can be delivered (although they won’t be anywhere near as intense as your contraction from the first two stages). Some hospitals can give you an injection to nudge the placenta out of your body making the process easier for you. After you have ‘delivered’ the placenta, your midwife or doctor will check that everything is ok and that will pretty much be the end of your labour. Huggies has more detailed information on each stage of labour, so explore and get all the information to put your mind at ease

Monday 22 August 2016

mother and Baby at 16 Weeks Pregnant

mother and Baby at 16 Weeks Pregnant

About born ", the greatness of this week sleeve. Weighs 3.5 ounces and 4.5 inches from head to loins (top of the head between the buttocks. The vows, and make them bound to gain a great advantage. In the act of doubling the weight and to increase a few inches.But you knew that 16 weeks of pregnancy, your baby can resist the law. It will be permitted a little arrufades brow of the corruption of the mouth, and making the other statues, Facial muscles, because it is more distinguishable from it. But from the beginning came forth, he is a boy who had little control face of them.Can keep a straight line was bred of the head of a little while before. Before the week exceeds the servants of the head of the body, but it is not the same things. Depending on your body on your own head.In the 16 weeks of gestation is the heart of the son of blow up the 25 / 4 the blood through the day. There is a most high, most especially your age, The Decoy Baby. "the toes, are bound to be distinct, to be different from others. Away, the books with your hand!Fingers is lacking, but it comes about through the weeks is come.This is bound to the feet of pregnancy, and poor to begin with your fingers with a little one are getting a longer time the feet of the servants of bow begins to form.Given the curious questions:Now a son of his more control in their hands. "If you can milk, but moving to suck the thumb of it has often happened thumb of pregnancy, this moment.Mom about the Changes

It would seem more women with child of passing each week. Buy you can until now, of ten pounds. (Other women, are more or less. Case of Gemini or multiple, you will gain more than their other.Although the extension is a great imagination to think of Maternity clothes, buying this week?You can not be in a few weeks, but you want to buy Online Shopping shall be prepared to to use before the pain is, because of the very love of the delay.Mighty Mouse the most interesting this week to move the affection born. Not all the women sense of free motion, as well in the morning, but small you can You see all the cares of the motion. (Mothers gave birth to before, they feel it can be to feed the babies better than the women with child of the first motion.the son of the said motion acceleration "of the worms and the likeness of butterflies may be seen in the stomach or small gas bubbles. 16 weeks pregnant does not recognize the IA since the movement of Gypsophila paniculata. Do not - he gets better team was conceived by The continuation of the often perceive it.In the other 16 weeks of pregnancy, to use his physician, to visit the Prenatal. Through the coming of, endure and suffer from himself alone protects you to test the protein alpha-made it is said (AFP) proves.Doth it profit, would carry on.This is a good time, or at least to escape from sexual partner. They are the greatest, and there is some signs of renewed energy and pregnancy. After a long time to another time, the lakes, nor of an occasion of this being sent.Pregnancy 411according to the fourth reading of the testimony of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) TestOccupied the middle of 16 weeks between the 18 weeks of pregnancy, the custom is made for protecting witness, saith the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) proves. It is single blood of the witnesses, the degree of alpha-fetoprotein blood products. Alpha-fetoprotein produced the substance of his son, of the egg away, and, as much as the liver and the passes over the steps of the placenta to enter the bloodstream.AFP degrees of wheat in the blood of thy can indicate a problem also deficiency of a baby was born. Average If this step to show that protein is bound to, being of greater problems with the back of (Spina is cleft in two so that) syndrome the bottom.Note that the AFP test just to test the Diagnostic not always. It is enough to say that is bound to be the difference in the genus of the defect to be increased. Sickness, you can not born with a specific of the disease. And the AFP Test is very accurate, does not accurately percent C.The other elements of these departures may SIDEWAYS.If it is given a doctor of irregular tips to enjoy a pleasure for the agent experience, shall also discovered what Diagnostic amniocentesis (between the 16 weeks were wont to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Amniocentesis Invasive In the AFP and the testimony of some of the dangers. Come into the physician, by the risks and benefits of amniocentesis, in either case.